In 1990, college student Ing accidently gets pregnant and returns to Lishan to spend the summer with her father. Ing notices the conflicts between her father and the farmers. She meets a young farmer Wen, and affection slowly grows between them. As summer ends, Ing leaves, and no one knows what the future will hold. To promote a new fertiliser, Ing's father gets a hot-air balloon, but hard as they try, it just can't fly.上世纪90年代,大学生阿英从台北回到梨山,在父亲和邻里的果园日常中,学习人际、亲近土地,旁观生意起落和技术变迁,也在台风天的狼狈中感受到靠天吃饭之苦。父亲再婚的妻子待她如至亲,但阿英心中的秘密,也许只能对山谷倾诉。导演柯淑卿重现“梨山小巴黎”荣景,叙事沉稳中有真情;新人陆夏灵气过人,喜翔的演出纯熟老练,杨贵媚、张诗盈更是画龙点睛。• Not eligible for any discounts and/or vouchers.• Not valid with VIP and/or Complimentary Passes.• Not valid for purchase with HSBC Movie Card.
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