The Bridge Curse 2: Ritual 女鬼桥2:怨鬼楼 Plot

Based on an urban legend of the most haunted university in Taiwan. Rumor has it that during construction, the architect disrupted the school’s harmonizing Feng Shui and turned it into a beacon for supernatural entities. Years later, in an attempt to test their AR game on dark summoning rituals of the dead, they unknowingly unleash evil spirits on the world.传说中,文华大学位于阴阳交界之地,当年设计师将建筑物设计成镇煞用的「逆八卦」阵形,名为「大忍馆」,希望能用此镇煞阵形来困住孤魂野鬼以免伤人,没想到大忍馆因此陆续传出众多校园怪谈:不只有人搭电梯却误闯阴间、还有人撞见在教室跳舞的女鬼、更有许多学生在晚上听到幽幽的歌声⋯⋯就读文华大学的连裕婷(王渝萱饰演),自从三年前哥哥(施柏宇饰演)在校内发生意外后便昏迷不醒至今,裕婷一直想完成哥哥用毕生心血设计的AR游戏。然而当她与同学们在进入最后实测阶段时,众人却开始发生离奇诡谲的灵异事件,而裕婷也在无意间发现哥哥昏迷不醒的原因⋯⋯

The Bridge Curse 2: Ritual 女鬼桥2:怨鬼楼 Actors

The Bridge Curse 2: Ritual 女鬼桥2:怨鬼楼 Photo

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The Bridge Curse 2: Ritual 女鬼桥2:怨鬼楼 Comments (0)

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