I Miss You 被我弄丢的你 Plot

Based on the novel “I Miss You” by Zheng Zhi. In the summer of 2010, Bai Xiaoyu (Tan Jianci) and Wang Jinjin (Zhang Jingyi) first crossed paths during the college entrance exams, but they soon lost contact. Four years later, they unexpectedly reunite amidst a sea of job-seekers during graduation season and fall in love.By 2018, after eight years of acquaintance and five years of love, they find themselves at a crossroads when considering marriage, struggling against the constraints of reality. Will Bai Xiaoyu once again lose Wang Jinjin?影片改编自郑执原著小说《被我弄丢两次的王斤斤》。2010年夏天,高考考场上,白晓宇(檀健次 饰)第一次遇见王斤斤(张婧仪 饰),就把她给“弄丢”了。 四年后,他们在毕业季的求职人潮中意外重逢,然后相恋。2018年,相识八年、相爱五年的他们站在婚姻的门前踌躇不前了。他们彼此相爱却又难逃现实的重重羁绊,白晓宇会再一次 弄丢王斤斤吗……

I Miss You 被我弄丢的你 Actors

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