In a year where every challenge seems insurmountable, Han Ming’s story unfolds. Han Ming (Lei Jiayin) is a seconded prosecutor whose life is a whirlwind of complications following his transfer to the municipal prosecutor’s office. His son, Han Yuchen (Liu Yaowen), ignites a firestorm by clashing with dean’s (Zhang Yi) son and adamantly refuses to apologise. His wife, Li Maojuan (Ma Li), fiercely intervenes, further escalating the situation. At work, Han Ming navigates a minefield of professional challenges, especially his strained partnership with Lv Ling Ling (Gao Ye) which results in deadlock in their cases. Amidst these chaos, the desperate plight of Hao Xiuping (Zhao Liying) in a critical case confronts Han Ming with the harsh realities of legal and emotional conflict. With his career and family hanging in the balance, Han Ming decides to gamble everything on his quest for justice and fairness in his own way…这一年的不容易谁能懂?自打挂职到市检察院,韩明(雷佳音 饰)的糟心事就接二连三。儿子韩雨辰(刘耀文 饰)打了校领导(张译 饰)儿子并拒绝道歉,妻子李茂娟(马丽 饰)义愤填膺继而揍了校领导,补刀成功;搭档吕玲玲(高叶 饰)分歧不断,案件久拖不决;又一起案件相关人郝秀萍(赵丽颖 饰)被逼入绝境,万分危急。情与法的较量在展开,事业与家庭的平衡在进行,韩明决定赌上一切,用自己的方式给公平和正义一个说法…
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