港樂 X 林憶蓮 X 倫永亮 HKPO Sandy x Anthony Live

Total 10 reviews
Genre   音乐
Language   漢語
Area   no info
In Theaters   Jan,01 2004
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港樂 X 林憶蓮 X 倫永亮 Plot

One of the major music events of 2004 sees singer Sandy Lam finally returning to the Hong Kong stage after a noticeable absence, joining forces with distinguished musician Anthony Lun and the renowned Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra for five live concerts in March earlier this year. This collection includes 18 classic Cantonese, Mandarin and English hits and medleys, performed by one of the most respected female singers in Hong Kong music history. 2004年打響頭炮、率先回歸香港樂壇的歌后—林憶蓮,先與倫永亮攜手合作於3月4日假紅館舉行一連五場的《港樂×林憶蓮×倫永亮》演唱會,獻唱粵語、國語首本名曲和medley共18首

港樂 X 林憶蓮 X 倫永亮 Actors

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