Search Titanic result, Total 17 (take 0.001350 seconds).

4 months ago
Titanic me 我真的會瀉
1 year ago
1 year ago
3 years ago
우리가 흔히 아는 타이타닉(1997년)은 '타이타닉호의 비극(원제: A Night to Remember (1958) )' & '타이타닉의 최후(원제: Titanic (1953)'을 적절히 섞어 만든 것. Titanic을 소재로 한 수많은 작품들이 있지만, 위 두 작품이 가장 볼만하다.
3 years ago
「Psychomagnotheric. Negative human emotions are materializing in the form of a viscous, psychoreactive plasm with explosive supernormal potential. → Does anybody speak English here...
3 years ago
「Psychomagnotheric. Negative human emotions are materializing in the form of a viscous, psychoreactive plasm with explosive supernormal potential. → Does anybody speak English here...
3 years ago
「Psychomagnotheric. Negative human emotions are materializing in the form of a viscous, psychoreactive plasm with explosive supernormal potential. → Does anybody speak English here...
3 years ago
「Psychomagnotheric. Negative human emotions are materializing in the form of a viscous, psychoreactive plasm with explosive supernormal potential. → Does anybody speak English here...
3 years ago
「Psychomagnotheric. Negative human emotions are materializing in the form of a viscous, psychoreactive plasm with explosive supernormal potential. → Does anybody speak English here...
3 years ago
「Psychomagnotheric. Negative human emotions are materializing in the form of a viscous, psychoreactive plasm with explosive supernormal potential. → Does anybody speak English here...
3 years ago
「Psychomagnotheric. Negative human emotions are materializing in the form of a viscous, psychoreactive plasm with explosive supernormal potential. → Does anybody speak English here...
4 years ago
3 months ago
土狗劇情我的愛,Aussi Boy承擔了太多,貢獻了最大笑點they are doing the full Titanic. 男主略油但金融男你能要求啥。BU Law School再次風評被害😂 女二三四都非常美,女主妹妹人也太好了,要是我的婚禮期間我親戚這麼作…
1 year ago
#Venezia78 攝影創意多加一星。最喜歡電話掛斷前one last song同聽《Ilmalaiva》處幻想中的共舞與撫摸,曲終又落空,幾近窒息的痛苦從唯一可視的焦點排山倒海襲來。- I’d like to be the iceberg, but I suppose I’m the Titanic. - Can you see the iceberg ...
2 years ago
ネタバレ! クリックして本文を読む タル・ベーラという監督さんは、結構な立場でいらっしゃるらしく、母国ハンガリーだけでなく、西側諸国ではマエストロとして高く評価されているらしい。 本作はフィルム・シアター系の作品となっているけど撮影方法を芸術的な観点からみた場合は一見、ブラックなジョークを含んでいるかもしれないけれど観ている側としたら意外と深刻に描写されて...
5 years ago
PYONGYANGST - 我對THE LOVERS AND THE DESPOT(3星)的評論 電影製作人羅斯·亞當和羅伯特·坎南的紀錄片比電影製作人羅斯·亞當和羅伯特·坎南的紀錄片更讓人想起更多的問題,而不是一個著名的韓國電影導演和他的女演員前妻的小說,這些電影在金正日期間被朝鮮綁架。在位,並被迫為他製作超過17部電影。這是一部直接出自JohnleC...