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Jan,01 2013 In Theaters
Liang Liang (William Feng) is in love with a young actress named Miao Miao (Ni Ni). Their deep love for each other leads them to move in together, but Liang Liang's behaviour soon ...
Jun,25 1961 In Theaters
本片用一種現實與記憶穿插的方式勾勒了男主人公X(吉奧吉歐·艾伯塔基 Giorgio Albertazzi 飾)與女主人公A(德菲因·塞裡格 Delphine Seyrig 飾)公剪不斷理還亂的情感糾葛。X的記憶中對於巴洛克宮殿裡的亭臺樓閣如數家珍,在他的描述性旁白中,人們 得以感受到他內心巨大的波瀾。在劇場舞臺上,戲子正在表演著離愁別緒的橋段。觀眾席上X跟貴...
May,16 2015 In Theaters
Disorder是一部由愛麗絲·溫諾庫(Alice Winocour)執導的2015年法國-比利時戲劇驚悚電影,講述了家庭入侵問題,主演是馬提亞斯·肖納特斯(Matthias Schoenaerts)是PTSD的前士兵。該影片在2015年坎城影展的“一種注目”單元中放映。 文森特(馬提亞斯&middo...
May,08 1953 In Theaters
Biopic of German priest Martin Luther covering his life between 1505-1530 A.D. and the birth of the Protestant Reformation movement.
Jun,13 1991 In Theaters
《表姐,妳好嘢!續集》是一部於1991年6月13日上映的香港電影,本電影由嘉禾電影有限公司、寶禾影業有限公司及二友電影製作有限公司製作,由鄭裕玲、李子雄及張堅庭領銜主演。上映日數為37天,總票房排行於第10位。 鄭大姐(鄭裕玲 飾)自香港返回後,工作成績頗受上級肯定,職位獲得提升並與擁有特異功能的助手阿勝(張堅庭 飾)擔任幹警們的培訓工作。另一方面,伍...
Sep,29 2022 In Theaters
Xiao Wu lives an unsuccessful life with his father, who is struggled with Alzheimer's disease with only inconsistent memories of her wife left in mind. To help arouse his father's ...
Jul,31 2009 In Theaters
這是一部由十個小故事組成的短片集。 面對不同的社會橫截面,父親的樣子往往是相通的。無法帶孩子入院看病的窮爸爸、身為黑幫老大的富爸爸、對自己都無力負責的失業小父親、子孫滿堂的喧囂中寂寞的老父親,清晨下班還騎著三輪車載孩子趕火車的工人父親,為救孩子在海中身亡的悲劇父親……十位父親,無私,近無...
Jan,01 2021 In Theaters
Every girl's emotional history consists of the moments she spends with the men she's dating. Every date benefits a young girl's emotional development. We get excited more than once...
Jan,01 2022 In Theaters
Intern sports reporter Tang Xin was tasked to interview the champion of the 50-meter pistol event. She was surprised to find out its Shen Qing Yuan, her shooting coach which she se...
Jan,01 2017 In Theaters
Yu Zhou Zhou, a math prodigy, defies her teachers and family's expectations and elects to study liberal arts. Though the transition from math & science to liberal arts major is dif...
Jan,01 2005 In Theaters
Jan,01 2022 In Theaters
Dec,22 2006 In Theaters
傑克(喬治·克魯尼 George Clooney 飾)是一名來自美國的戰地記者,充滿了鮮血和硝煙的一戰結束後,傑克終於能夠重新回到前線,報道波茨坦會議的相關新聞。不過,傑克此行還有另外一個十分重要的目的,那就是尋找與他曾經有過一段短暫情緣的德國女子萊娜(凱特·布蘭切特 Cate Blanchett 飾)。奇蹟般地,傑克和萊娜重逢了,之後,傑克得知萊娜那失蹤已...
Jan,01 2013 In Theaters
In the documentary “Millets Back Home,” we will see the everyday lives of the Tayal people, an indigenous people of Taiwan, stringing together the stories of three families with th...
Jan,25 2016 In Theaters
Audrie & Daisy is an American 2016 documentary film about three cases of rape of teenage American girls, in 2011 and 2012. After two high school girls i...
Sep,23 2005 In Theaters
17歲的青蔥時節,內向純潔的少女小優(宮崎葵 飾)與放棄了棒球轉而練習吉他的佑介(瑛太 飾)成為好朋友。她喜歡在課堂偷偷瞄著男孩的側影,用筆畫下對方的漫畫形象;也喜歡每日陪伴他在河堤邊練習,哼唱著同一段旋律。縱使心裡多麼喜歡,卻無法將那三個字勇敢說出口。女孩小小的倔強與彆扭,使兩個年輕人錯失了向彼此邁進一步的機會。另一方面,優的姐姐不久前剛剛與戀人生離死別,...
Jul,20 2015 In Theaters
Seven miles from war, 85,000 Syrians struggle to restart their lives inside Jordan’s Za’atari refugee camp. For the first time in history, two filmmakers fully embed themselves in ...
Mar,17 1958 In Theaters
故事發生在風景如畫的法國鄉間,塞西爾(珍·茜寶 Jean Seberg 飾)跟隨著父親雷蒙(大衛·尼文 David Niven 飾)居住在那裡。清新的田園景色和無憂無慮的生活令塞西爾成長成為了一個桀驁不羈的少女,她厭惡循規蹈矩的生活,嚮往著自由和浪漫。 雷蒙結識了名叫安娜(黛博拉·蔻兒 ...
Jan,01 1990 In Theaters
Jun,22 2010 In Theaters
Single urbanite Gordon (NATE SMITH) meets Debby (SABRINA LLOYD) online and finds their new relationship put to the ultimate test. A suburban widow (LYNN COHEN) gets much more than ...