Luv Shuv Tey Chicken Khurana是2012年的印度喜劇電影,由Ronnie Screwvala,Siddharth Roy Kapur和Anurag Kashyap製作,並由首映藝人 Sameer Sharma執導。
爲了逃避債主,歐米回到了在旁遮普的村子。祖父十分蒼老,已經忘記了製作庫拉納香雞的祕方,而這種美味讓庫拉納餐廳在旁遮普地區聲名遠揚。歐米能否找回遺失的祕方嗎? To run from a gangster who he owes money to, Omi returns to village in Punjab. His grandfather has become senile and forgotten secret recipe of "Chicken Khurana", a dish that made Khurana restaurant famous across Punjab. Will Omi be able to recover the lost recipe?
La Barracuda
Mar,11 2017 In Theaters
LUV... Phir Kabhi
Jan,01 1990 In Theaters
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