

I'm glad it's settled without a prolonged fight, also that they are willing to work together.

Announcing the end to their legal dispute, Johansson said in a statement: ‘I am happy to have resolved our differences. I’m incredibly proud of the work we’ve done together over the years and have greatly enjoyed my creative relationship with the team.


去年晚些時候,那位 36 歲的男演員狀告華特迪斯尼,控告該子公司違背了合約,選擇在院線和其在線視頻網絡平臺Disney+同步公映漫威大片《黑寡妇》。


Scarlett Johansson has expressed her relief after reaching a settlement with Disney regarding her lawsuit.

OK so this lawsuit was just to create hype???

斯嘉麗在五部漫威影片中飾演了黑寡婦一角,包含在7 月初獨立影片《黑寡妇》公映之後的復仇者聯盟系列。

Johansson played the character of Black Widow in eight Marvel films, including the Avengers series before the standalone movie was released in July.


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