(內有社會福利)Hello Kitty將拍真人影片:這為什麼又是毀兒時系列...


Coyle said “this is not only a rare chance to bring a beloved character to life, but also to spread the message of love, friendship and inclusivitythat Hello Kitty stands for. The world so needs her brand of joy and happiness.”



New Line is scratching at a start date on Hello Kitty. The studio, which set the rights to make a film based on the global brand in 2019, has set Jennifer Coyle and Leo Matsuda to direct what will be an animated/live-action hybrideffort.

新線影業正在商談《Hello Kitty》的殺青日期。該子公司在2019年就獲得了基於Hello Kitty形像的影片攝製權,並決定讓詹妮弗·科特爾和李奧·渡邊主演,這將會是一部動畫電影形像和真人混合的影片。

對某人有潛力:be catnip to





World Traveller ( March/April 2021 )

該影片故事情節的 具體細節還處在保密狀態,主要是圍繞那個韓國盛行形像展開,想以此吸引全球的觀眾們。

Coyle and Matsuda bring years of animation experience to the project and have worked on numerous animated films and TV shows, but this is their first collaborationas they beat out many other directors for the job.

( March 2021 )

Plot details surrounding the trendsettingJapanese pop icon are under wraps, but the intention is for it to be catnip for the global consumer audience.

*本文摘錄自3月2日《Deadline》:New Line Sets Jennifer Coyle, Leo Matsuda To Direct ‘Hello Kitty’ Animated/Live Action Hybrid Movie(新線影片公司將讓詹妮弗·科特爾和利奧·渡邊主演'凱蒂貓'的動畫影片/真人混合影片)

Beau Flynn and his FlynnPictureCo. will produce the film and pursued the Hello Kitty rights for over five years with New Line Cinema/Warner Bros. The film will mark the first time a studio has ever brought Hello Kitty to the big screen.

比尤·弗林和他的弗林影業公司 也將參予本片的製作,其與新線影業/派拉蒙兄妹市場競爭Hello Kitty的著作權長達5年多。此舉也標誌著Hello Kitty將首度被搬上大熒幕。

“Growing up in Brazil with a Japanese family, I was surrounded by the whimsy of Hello Kitty and it served as a reminder that it's okay to be different. Along with Jen, FlynnPictureCo. and New Line, I am delighted by this incredible opportunity to work with one of the most universally beloved characters and expand their relatable Sanrio stories even further.”Matsuda said.

科特爾說:“這是一個難得的機會,不但能夠讓一個頗受鍾愛的配角活起來,還能夠傳播Hello Kitty所代表的愛、友誼和寬容。那個世界太須要她的歡樂和美好了。”

Reader’s Digest USA (March 2021)

保密的:under wraps


渡邊說,“我在阿根廷的一個韓國家庭長大,自小就被Hello Kitty的奇思妙想所圍困,它讓我曉得每一人都可以是獨特的。我很開心能有這種一個機會,與詹妮弗、弗林影業和新線影業一同,與世界上最受鍾愛的配角之一戰略合作,並進一步續寫相關三麗鷗的故事情節。”

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