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Apr,25 2022 In Theaters
An in-depth visual reportage on mass protests escalating in Hong Kong. The increasingly embittered battle brings heartbreak and despair, but also a powerful sense of fellowship amo...
Feb,23 2022 In Theaters
SFS Special Presentation: THE GODFATHER 50th Anniversary Preview Wednesday, 23 February GV Suntec City 7.20pm $20 (4K restored, includes 30mins post-screening Q&A with Eric Khoo & ...
Dec,02 2023 In Theaters
A PIECE OF MINE is a collection of short portrait documentaries by local filmmaker OKJ that conveys life experiences from one generation to the next. The titular character of each ...
Dec,02 2023 In Theaters
A PIECE OF MINE is a collection of short portrait documentaries by local filmmaker OKJ that conveys life experiences from one generation to the next. The titular character of each ...