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Jun,12 2014 In Theaters
The beauty of the land cannot mask the brutality of a farm town. As harvest draws near, Betty confronts a terrifying new reality and will go to desperate lengths to save her family...
Jun,26 2015 In Theaters
The beauty of the land cannot mask the brutality of a farm town. As harvest draws near, Betty confronts a terrifying new reality and will go to desperate lengths to save her family...
Jan,01 2014 In Theaters
Apr,29 2022 In Theaters
2022金馬科幻小說影展 秒殺完售 《幸福湯屋》、《淺田家!》製作團隊打造出嘲諷情景喜劇續作,這次不走暖心,改讓你無俚頭到驚訝! 電視節目版《瀨戶與內海》編劇阪下雄一郎,再次充分發揮無厘頭硬實力,挑戰最軟爛的議會選舉鬧劇,絕對讓你對競選弊病心有慼慼焉 繼《紙之月》、《人間失格》後,宮澤理惠高反差演繹瘋狂的國會議員候選人,賣力無厘頭之餘更搭擋「資深幕僚」《...