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Feb,14 2014 In Theaters
Reiji Kikukawa, who has a strong sense of justice, graduated from the police academy with the lowest score ever. He becomes a police constable, but is suddenly fired by the Police ...
Nov,15 2013 In Theaters
由於涉嫌用槍支威脅“守法好市民”,當初以史上最差成績從警校畢業的小巡警菊川玲二(生田斗真 飾)正式被署長酒見路夫(吹越滿 飾)宣佈開除公職。當他怒不可遏之際,卻得知自己已被選爲臥底,潛入關東頭號黑幫數寄矢會,蒐集會長轟周寶(巖城滉一 飾)操縱製造與販賣毒品的證據。在經受了魔鬼教練一美先生(遠藤憲一 飾)的折磨蹂躪後,玲二從頭到尾煥然一新,走進了數寄矢會所控制...