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Jan,01 1990 In Theaters
製片國家/地區: 菲律賓 片長: 114分鐘 IMDb連結: tt3640822
Mar,22 2014 In Theaters
Drama about a deaf father
Mar,22 2014 In Theaters
Comedy starring James Cool
Sep,09 2022 In Theaters
GV supports the local busking community and is happy to bring you a 2nd edition of busking performance by having singer-songwriter Jeff Ng at GV for a music showcase! A homegrown s...
Aug,08 2015 In Theaters
Year 1983: Ms. Estrella investigates the case of Carlito Dimahilig, the assassin who attempted to kill Imelda Marcos. She interviews Rolando Galman, who reveals more than what she ...
Feb,10 2013 In Theaters
Jan,01 2000 In Theaters
악령 Demons, Pangarap ng puso,은 2000에 발표 된 필리핀 2000 드라마 영화입니다,영화는 마리오 오하라가 지배하고 있습니다,힐다 코로넬 및 기타 주요 배우,한국에서 2000년01월01일에 출시되었습니다. 비자얀 해에 떠있는 네그로스 섬의 부유한 어농의 딸인 니나와 일용 노동자의 아들인 호세는 신...
Mar,16 2016 In Theaters
The dead come alive as an ambulance driver and a nurse try to keep awake recounting road ghost stories on a Good Friday, the day of Christ’s death.
Aug,04 2018 In Theaters
A coming-of-age tale about a twelve-year-old Muslim girl named Eshal in Marawi is set amid an age-old culture of inter-familial dispute. Rido, as it is called, is characterized by ...
Mar,16 2016 In Theaters
A map of the experiences of children living in “informal” settlements inside the UP Diliman campus shows the possibility of a shared space, different from how students, professors ...
Jan,01 1990 In Theaters
Thriller comedy directed by Adolfo Kolmerer and William James.
Sep,12 2019 In Theaters
人生究竟為何那麼難! 宛如昆汀塔倫提諾跑去執導《口白人生》,德國近年最荒謬原創又令人驚喜的電影! 2018 金馬奇幻影展Surprise Film 2018 布魯塞爾奇幻影展 2017 瑞典隆德奇幻影展最佳劇情片 2017 紐約伊薩卡奇幻影展觀眾票選獎、最佳導演 2017 芝加哥Cinepocalypse 恐怖影展觀眾票選獎、最具突破獎 亂世之下必有狂...
Jul,17 2015 In Theaters
激情過後 擁抱最真實的人生 又是一天忙碌的開始,化妝師都築帶著妝髮工具來到AV拍片現場,打點忙亂的多P混戰拍攝工作。除了接連的突發狀況、情緒化的二百五導演、粗枝大葉的助理之外,都築還得伺候任性難搞的紅牌女優、強勢回歸的羅莉塔、極度樂觀的男人婆、不得志的非主流妹、首次上陣的清純新星。1間化妝室,5位個性迥異的AV女優,24小時瘋狂趕拍。在狹小的換裝空間裡,每...
May,09 2015 In Theaters
Oct,25 2015 In Theaters
“Traslacion: Ang Paglakad sa Altar ng Alanganin” focuses on four LGBT couples and their stand on equality and the right to marry. This documentary addresses their complicated quest...
Jan,01 2006 In Theaters
. 기억 속에서 시간을 뛰어넘어버린 어느 락스타의 이야기. 리드보컬 테디(Teddy)가 살해당한 뒤 음악에 대한 열정이 예전 같지 않은 락밴드의 싱어 젯(Jett)은 어느 날 강도에게 머리를 얻어맞고 쓰러진 뒤 리드보컬이 살해당하던 해인 1988년 이후를 전혀 기억하지 못한다. 젯의 기억 속에 남아있는1988년 이전의 ...
Jan,29 2014 In Theaters
In 1970s Mindanao, a man and his family take arms to defend the people against those who would oppress them.
Mar,26 2015 In Theaters
他是老大的槍,而她是老大的愛。當殺手戀上煙花女,兩人的相遇怎能不迸生激情,腐朽生花?生命在倒數,絕路上狂奔,世界盡頭原來離我們這麼近。詩意的鏡頭,風格化的影像,全片幾無對白卻寓意豐饒。淺野忠信頂著招牌淺笑飾演面癱殺手,杜可風的手搖鏡頭穿街走巷,將這座城市刻畫得暈眩而狂歡,滑稽而殘忍。誠如杜可風所言:比起敘事電影,這部片更像一張地圖。 ...