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Sep,19 2013 In Theaters
After the India of Varanasi’s boatmen, the American desert of the dropouts, and the Mexico of the killers of drugtrade, Gianfranco Rosi has decided to tell the tale of a part of hi...
Jan,01 2013 In Theaters
Jun,13 2014 In Theaters
一幅遠離首都喧囂的浮世畫像… 植物學家在棕櫚樹叢間錄下甲蟲的鳴叫聲,父親在狹小房間用鬍子逗哄著女兒開心,一群變裝妓女在道路旁舉行瘋狂派對…。這部由吉安弗蘭科羅西(Gianfranco Rosi)所執導,以紀錄電影形式、首開先河勇奪威尼斯金獅獎的電影《一條大路通羅馬》,信手拈來捕捉了羅馬環形道路(GRA)外圍多采多姿的生活詩意景象。 這是一幅與費里尼、保羅...