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Jan,01 1990 In Theaters
Furthest from the Wild is a journey through the world of Animal Sanctuaries all over the world. We share the Triumphs and struggles of the people who have dedicatedtheir lives in r...
Jan,01 2019 In Theaters
. 1999년, 미국 캘리포니아에 사는 제시는 대규모의 수질오염 사태(MTBE Contamination)로 인해 그녀가 알고 지낸 모든 사람들을 떠나보내게 된다.(2020년 제2회 강릉국제영화제)
Sep,29 2014 In Theaters
Set at the edge of the Noto Peninsula in Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan, with its beautiful scenic views, the film revolves around two women from different backgrounds who develop a fr...
Apr,24 2015 In Theaters
2014 釜山影展亞洲電影之窗 2014 金馬影展 2014 溫哥華國際影展觀摩 2014 夏威夷國際影展競賽 2014 倫敦國際影展觀摩 2014 香港亞洲電影節競賽 相信,在世界的某個角落,真的有人為你祝福 從事烘培咖啡豆事業的岬,從東京回到父親的海岸老家——以世界農業遺產聞名的能登半島。將破落木屋改建成咖啡館,在咖啡香氣中等待失蹤多年的父親歸來。海...