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Jan,01 1990 In Theaters
Four small gangsters from Copenhagen trick a gangster boss: they take over 4,000,000 kroner which they were supposed to bring him. Trying to escape to Barcelona they are forced to ...
Sep,05 2015 In Theaters
Afghanistan's film history might well have have been lost forever, if not for the brave custodians who risked their lives to conceal films from the Taliban regime. This is a chroni...
Jan,01 1997 In Theaters
희미한 불꽃 The Flickering Flame,은 1997에 발표 된 영국, 1997 다큐멘터리 영화입니다,영화는 켄 로치가 지배하고 있습니다,한국에서 1997년01월01일에 출시되었습니다.
Mar,10 2022 In Theaters
In this tale of love and friendship spanning a lifetime, the "god of cinema" that Go has worshipped since he was young will transcend time, and work a miracle in the lives of one f...
May,12 2022 In Theaters
In this tale of love and friendship spanning a lifetime, the "god of cinema" that Go has worshipped since he was young will transcend time, and work a miracle in the lives of one f...
Aug,30 2021 In Theaters
《電影之神 It’s a Flickering Life》廢老酗酒爛賭欠下一屁股債,老妻女兒幾乎要割席脫離關係。被沒收一切財物後,只許到老友經營的社區戲院,竟令他一頭栽進年輕時熱愛電影的舊夢:曾任名導助手、邂逅美麗女星、與放映員好友共同愛上食堂之女。因一場事故放棄做導演的大志,一生未竟之夢終在半世紀後在孫兒協助下完成。松竹映畫一百年紀念之作,由殿...
Apr,28 In Theaters
鄉(澤田研二 飾)是一個嗜賭成癮的父親,妻子淑子(宮本信子 飾)及女兒步(寺島忍 飾)皆感到束手無策。鄉唯一深愛的是電影,年輕時的鄉(菅田將暉 飾)是副導演,寺新(野田洋次郎飾)是放映師,還有當時炙手可熱的名導演、女星園子(北川景子 飾)及片場附近食堂的千金淑子(永野芽郁飾),在時代見證下各人都在夢工場奮力追夢。鄉幾經努力終於當上導演,卻突然遇上意外受傷,拍...
Jan,01 1990 In Theaters
即使在衝突不斷的阿富汗,仍有一群熱愛電影的人正全力搶救他們的電影史。阿富汗電影中心從老舊倉庫翻出八千多小時的蒙塵膠卷,一邊尋求修復資金與儲存方法,一邊需要提防隨時隨地發生的自殺炸彈威脅。 在外界勢力與塔利班掌權的陰影下,阿富汗的電影藝術與自由一同遭到扼殺。上一代影迷冒著生命危險將膠卷藏起...
Nov,26 2021 In Theaters
日本電影大廠「松竹映畫」100週年紀念作品! 「日本愛情小說大賞」得主原田舞葉同名小說改編! 「日本殿堂級名導」山田洋次,引領觀衆追憶日本電影黃金歲月! 集結日本影帝、影后頂尖卡司,共同展開跨越時代的愛情與友誼! 一部獻給熱愛電影人們的真情力作,即將席捲日本獎季主要獎項! 在虛實交織的幻夢之中,讓電影之神延續不離不棄的眷顧!  《ALWAYS幸福的...