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4 years ago
Fast & furious 타이틀이 이영화에 왜나와?
3 years ago
'The Fast and the Furious,&fabulous'
3 years ago
NYC is indeed too fast for me.
3 years ago
3 years ago
Diane Lane! Nowhere Fast!! Godspeed! Godspeed! Godspeed! Speed us away! ('-^*)/
3 years ago
呃,對於我來說,它又名:Fast forward and find Bradley……
4 years ago
액션 시퀀스는 좋은데 이게 과연 Fast and Furious 프랜차이즈에 들어가야 할 영화냐 묻는다면 아니라고 하겠다.

Patricia review on 糖果 Candy.

2 years ago
she was everything to me. you came into my life really fast, and i liked it.

Fiona review on Super Size Me.

4 years ago
not my kind of documentary, but for sure I won't be eating fast food anymore! (Which I already seldom ate)
3 years ago
Third episode in english language of the Tetsuo series. I watched it in fast-forward and found it still boring.
3 years ago
How great to be young, fast and powful!!! 滿屏的田徑小細腰和大粗腿、太贊!
3 years ago
붉은드레스 다이안레인의 노래...오토바이의 액션등..그시대 최고의 록+액션의 영화 nowhere fast 를 듣고 또 듣고...레이져디스크 유행시절 구석진다방에서도 즐겨 보던 우리시대의 센쎄이션
3 years ago
도대체 왜 만든거임?? 돈 필요했나?? 스토리 허접스럽고, 액션도 그닥임. 딱 2에서 끝냈어야함. 우선 딱 기본 설정이 지금 시대와 안맞음. 구닥다리같이 웃기는 흑인 베테랑 경찰 파트너. 우리나라로 치면 투캅스가 다시 시리즈물 만든거랑 같은거지. 더군다나 액션도 차량과 액션이 비슷한 플롯의 fast&furious와 너무 ...
3 years ago
so only one week, not two weeks like Crawford said…didn't expect Gresham would be the survivor…forbidden from parachutes…I like Uncle and really don't want him to die, every squadr...
4 years ago
Life moves fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you are gonna miss it. 我愛死了那段全民大遊行時他們被歡快音樂所感染時的搖擺舞...還有那個男孩的好朋友太可愛了。好片子
4 years ago
The extremely durable, long-lived Fast & Furious franchise has now completed another installment, and a trailer for F&F 9 went live this afternoon. We previously told you a 2020 To...
3 years ago
全程高能、粗暴直接的硬漢對決,不但有Fast而且有Furious。感謝電影給了所有人一個圓滿結局,可是看著那輛白色汽車在群山中飈遠仍然忍不住熱淚盈眶:For Paul, it\'s never goodbye...
2 years ago
全程高能、粗暴直接的硬漢對決,不但有Fast而且有Furious。感謝電影給了所有人一個圓滿結局,可是看著那輛白色汽車在群山中飈遠仍然忍不住熱淚盈眶:For Paul, it\'s never goodbye...
8 months ago
Life moves fast. If you don\'t stop and look around once in a while, you are gonna miss it. 我愛死了那段全民大遊行時他們被歡快音樂所感染時的搖擺舞...還有那個男孩的好朋友太可愛了。好片子
8 months ago
Life moves fast. If you don\'t stop and look around once in a while, you are gonna miss it. 我愛死了那段全民大遊行時他們被歡快音樂所感染時的搖擺舞...還有那個男孩的好朋友太可愛了。好片子