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May,28 2016 In Theaters
When an Irish priest begins to lose faith, Jesus intervenes.
Sep,07 2023 In Theaters
After witnessing Sosuke`s first intimate encounter with a sumi-e painting, ink-painting master Kozan Shinoda spontaneously invites him to become his pupil and introduces him to the...
Jun,05 In Theaters
After witnessing Sosuke`s first intimate encounter with a sumi-e painting, ink-painting master Kozan Shinoda spontaneously invites him to become his pupil and introduces him to the...
Dec,23 2022 In Theaters
《線,畫出的我》被全世界被遺棄的他,在寂寞到幾近半透明的全世界裡,邂逅了黑與白的無限時空。 一夕之間喪失所有父母的男大生霜介 (橫濱流星 飾) ,機緣巧合之下被水墨畫大師湖山 (三浦友和 飾) 的慧眼相中,從此轉入水墨畫的全世界。 在大師無法捉摸的引導、大師孫女千瑛 (清原果耶 飾) 亦師亦友的競爭之下,霜介再度久違地感受到「家」原來就是這麼一回事。日...