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Jan,01 2002 In Theaters
Jan,01 2017 In Theaters
A short documentary film about two Asian transgender poetry performance artists: Alok Vaid-Menon and Janani Balasubramanian. It documents their journey from Stanford University, wh...
Jan,01 2016 In Theaters
Jan,01 2012 In Theaters
Jan,01 2014 In Theaters
From the beginning, in Genesis, God declared He specifically created the sun and the moon to be used for signs. These heavenly bodies would be used as signals of coming dramatic hi...
Apr,04 2013 In Theaters
一部講述女性努力對抗病魔的溫馨感人故事電影。該片沒有震撼的場面、沒有浮誇的表演,卻能夠帶給人們無限的感動,以及對生命的思考。 該片主演薩曼莎·莫頓在《河道女王》、《小數派報告》中都有著十分不錯的表現,而其他主演亞倫·保爾、愛麗絲·伊芙、瑪姬·格蕾斯都是十分有名的影星,比如愛麗絲·伊芙就在...