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May,16 2015 In Theaters
Follows the early years of two unknown 18 year old amateur boxers who quickly fought their way to becoming the most feared and respected villains in all of London. Told through the...
Aug,02 2013 In Theaters
《2槍斃命》是一部2013年美國喜劇動作片,冰島導演巴塔薩·科馬庫執導,丹佐·華盛頓和馬克·華伯格主演。根據 Steven Grant 所著的同名漫畫改編而成,美國於2013年8月2日上映。 一名美國緝毒局探員和一位海軍臥底上士在一次任務中不期而遇,兩人都發現自己陷入深不可測的圈套,無奈之下只能聯手以共同找出幕...
Mar,14 2015 In Theaters
Returning from vacation, the Miller family find their home has been broken into. After cleaning up the mess they continue with their lives, shaking off the feeling of being violate...
Jan,01 1990 In Theaters
Jul,10 2007 In Theaters
一位年輕的警長副手佐伊·亞當斯(Zoe Adams)對一系列謀殺案進行調查,很快意識到連環殺手在逃。當她和她的老闆治安官吉米·弗萊克(Jimmy Fleck)感到尋找殺手的壓力時,他們的戀情開始動搖。與此同時,佐伊(Zoe)與自閉症獵犬訓練師(Leroy Calhoun)合作,一起開始將兇手的神祕線索之間的點點滴滴聯繫起來。憑藉Z...
Jan,01 2009 In Theaters
Love, greed and fire ants mix it up in rural Texas. 這部電影叫做《螞蟻殺手》(2009),還有另一部類似的電影叫《螞蟻的襲擊》(1998),網上常把兩者弄混,如果你要找的電影海報上的名稱是Marabunta,那就是《螞蟻的襲擊》。
Oct,12 2012 In Theaters
After learning of an urban legend in which a demented serial killer named SMILEY can be summoned through the Internet, mentally fragile Ashley must decide whether she is losing her...
Apr,13 2001 In Theaters
“我有兩份工作,一個是經營一間小小的郵購公司,賣一些諸如草坪裝飾用品、廚房用具之類的東西。另外一份工作嘛,我為我父親工作,我專門殺人。” 一個有著憂鬱眼神的中年男子正在對他的心理醫生喬什(約翰·瑞特爾)冷靜地講述著他遇到的困擾,卻把醫生嚇得大驚失...
Jan,15 2016 In Theaters
  Alfie Jennings. Loving father. Faithful husband. Professional contract killer. Haunted by horrific visions of the men he has killed, Alfie spirals towards the brink of madness as...
Mar,13 1997 In Theaters
Mar,22 2007 In Theaters
警察和黑勢力都很關注的頂級殺手,除了養他的宋仁(趙京煥飾)外沒有人知道他的面孔,號稱“終結者壽”的泰壽(池珍熙飾),他活著的目的只有一個,那就是找到19年前失散的雙胞胎弟弟泰鎮。19年前,因為無法忍受飢餓,泰壽偷了販毒組織的錢,結果他的弟弟被抓,從此失散。終於有一天,泰壽見到了弟弟泰鎮,不過泰壽眼前的一幕卻是泰鎮被槍擊當場死亡。 ...
Jul,23 2008 In Theaters
During a live broadcast of a debate program on channel ABC, a group of armed Chechens take several hostages. The terrorists demand that the hostage drama be broadcast live all over...
Feb,28 2004 In Theaters
19世紀初,名叫貝莉·吉尼斯的寡婦住在美國印第安納一座偏遠農場中。她勾引男人,然後謀財害命,成為名噪一時的殺人女魔頭。 時間轉入現代,貝莉的故事即將搬上銀幕。有幸出演這一角色的正是三年前因感情破裂而息影的女明星莉貝卡·費爾班克斯(伊麗莎白·赫莉 Elizabeth Hurley 飾),與...
Jul,07 2007 In Theaters
Jan,01 2010 In Theaters
Sep,03 1993 In Theaters
為了寫一本關於連續殺人狂的書,雅痞作家布萊恩·凱瑟(大衛·杜楚尼 David Duchovny 飾)攜攝影師女友卡莉(米歇爾·佛貝絲 Michelle Forbes 飾)打算以加州為目的地,重走一遍美國著名的殺手路線。途中布萊恩搭載了一對年輕的情侶厄立(布拉德·皮特 Brad Pitt 飾)和愛麗絲(朱麗葉特·劉易斯 Juliette Lewis 飾)以分擔...
Jan,01 1990 In Theaters
Trapped on a space station orbiting Earth, a small army of human survivors battle the Undead in order to prevent the destruction of the Earth.
Jan,01 1990 In Theaters
In the near future, drugs and crime have risen 500%. A disintegrating police force is unable to deal with this horrifying problem...
Jan,01 2012 In Theaters
導演: Tim Cowles 製片國家/地區: 美國 語言: 英語 上映日期: 2012 IMDb連結: tt2316433
Jan,01 2010 In Theaters
What is the ultimate horror? For Holland Price, it is losing everything he loves. Holland is a devoted family man whose life is turned upside-down by a horrifying figure one Hallow...