Search 詹姆斯佛蘭切威勒 result, Total 1877 (take 0.001132 seconds).

Aug,04 2017 In Theaters
Charting the story of Formula One's most celebrated family, Williams is a thrilling account of how one man built a racing empire and a vivid, heart-rending portrait of the aftermat...
Jan,23 2015 In Theaters
A young New Yorker struggles to take control of his reckless, self-destructive behavior in the face of momentous family challenges. Cast: Chris Abbott, Cynthia Nixon, Scott Mescudi...
Jan,01 2015 In Theaters
May,13 1978 In Theaters
Ostracized at a snooty private school because of her rural, poor background, a scholarship student is tormented to the point where her only remaining recourse is revenge, using the...
Aug,16 1940 In Theaters
Jan,17 2014 In Theaters
Jan,19 2016 In Theaters
The public execution of American conflict journalist James Foley captured the world’s attention, but he was more than just a man in an orange jumpsuit. Seen through the lens of his...
Feb,26 1949 In Theaters
在經年撰寫了著作等身的犯罪報道、電影劇本及低俗小說之後,Fuller與John Irelan合作拍攝了他的處女座《擊斃耶西•詹姆斯》。這出孤鬱的敘事詩的主角是John Irelan扮演的Robert Ford,他因出賣惡名昭著的朋友Jesse James而倍受重創。《擊斃耶西•詹姆斯》是一幅兼併了尖銳與謙遜的畫像。他攫取的悔恨和精神上的罪責引人矚目。而它也是...
Jun,18 2010 In Theaters
自從和妻子離婚後,約翰(約翰·C·賴利 John C. Reilly 飾)一直單身一人,而前妻即將結婚的訊息猶如一把利刃,再一次的插進了約翰的心裡,憤憤不平的他忍不住的參加了前妻的結婚派對。沒想到,在派對上,約翰認識了美麗溫柔的莫利(瑪麗莎·託梅 Marisa Tomei 飾),兩人相互吸引很快便墜入了愛河。 ...
May,19 2010 In Theaters
A small independent news crew investigates a series of unexplained disappearances in a small Midwestern county...
Jan,01 2010 In Theaters
May,22 2020 In Theaters
《永不放棄:詹姆斯艾利森 Jim Allison: Breakthrough》一個熱心,固執的人有遠見的尋求治療癌症的夢想的真實故事。類型紀錄片導演比爾·海尼(Bill Haney)主演吉姆·艾莉森(Jim Allison),伍迪·哈雷爾森(Woody Harrelson)。 免疫療法大躍進 他讓癌症患者看見新...
Sep,02 2013 In Theaters
Comedy Central is rolling out the red carpet for the multi-hyphenated jack-of-all-trades James Franco. The Comedy Central Roast of James Franco (#FrancoRoast) will tape in Los Ange...
Jul,27 2011 In Theaters
What started as a crazy wager between friends, ended up as a full movie, created and acted by the whole population of the friendly Flemish village of Schellebelle. The renowned act...
Jun,29 2017 In Theaters
劇情講述,在佛像工廠擔任夜間警衛的菜埔(莊益增 飾),每天最重要的工作就是深夜幫董仔啟文(戴立忍 飾)開大門,他撿破爛的換帖兄弟肚財(陳竹昇 飾)平時沒事就會來這裡看電視卡唬爛。那天凌晨雨很大,肚財帶著快要過期的咖哩飯來找菜埔,偏偏電視又壞掉,肚財聽人家說有錢人的世界都是彩色的,於是慫恿菜埔拿出董仔的行車紀錄器看看有沒有養眼的東西。 但2人也從一個單純享受情...
May,27 2014 In Theaters
Documentary telling the intimate but explosive story about the man behind the greatest fraud in recent sporting history, a portrait of a man who stopped at nothing in pursuit of mo...
Jan,30 2014 In Theaters
《Fleming》(又名《The Man Who Would Be Bond》)的主人公是007詹姆斯邦德的作者Ian Fleming(伊安·弗萊明)和他的妻子 Ann Charteris(安·查特里斯)。Ian Fleming,眾所周知,是暢銷的間諜小說家,同時,還是一個Womaniser(花花公子),與多任Bond girls有著曖昧不清的關係,將由演員...
Aug,08 2014 In Theaters
《阿凡達》名導詹姆斯卡麥隆轟動全球的冒險壯舉!挑戰人類最極限,單獨潛入地表最深的馬裡亞納海溝。地球內太空深海祕境,全球首度3D立體呈現。 世界知名、獲獎無數的電影導演詹姆斯柯麥隆,為什麼要讓自己面臨生死關卡,獨自潛入地球最深的地方?是什麼樣的熱情、動力和精神,促使他不計一切代價,下降到海洋最黑暗、最不為人知的深處? 詹姆斯柯麥隆絕非常人。他不但是世界最知...
Jan,01 1990 In Theaters
An aspiring playwright in New York strikes up a friendship with a guy while on the rebound from a break-up. Screenshots: The.Incredible.Jessica.James.2017...
Jul,31 1994 In Theaters