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Mar,15 1946 In Theaters
賭場老闆巴里(喬治·麥克雷迪 George Macready 飾)將職業賭徒喬尼(格倫·福特 Glenn Ford 飾)從殺手的槍口下救了下來,為了報答他的救命之恩,喬尼來到了巴里的賭場,成為了巴里的僱員。一日,巴里帶來了一個名叫吉爾達(麗塔·海華斯 Rita Hayw orth 飾)的美麗女子,並娶她為妻,這名女子不是別人,正是喬尼曾經無情拋棄的前女友。故...
May,10 2012 In Theaters
此條目為國內上映合集條目,上下集條目分別為: 賽德克·巴萊(上)太陽旗 賽德克·巴萊(下)彩虹橋 http://movie.doub...
Nov,04 2005 In Theaters
On September 11th 1973, Salvador Allende's democratically elected government was ousted by a United States-backed coup that resulted in Allende's death, and left the country in the...
Oct,05 1975 In Theaters
Jan,01 1976 In Theaters
在某個海濱小鎮的角落裡,有一爿富貴莊園。在莊園內,隱居著一個鮮為人知的女富豪。她名叫多莉安·格雷(莉娜·羅梅 Lina Romay 飾),雖然只是如花的年齡,卻坐擁千萬家產。關於她的私人生活外界鮮為人知,而人們又分外感興趣,尤其是多莉安還有一個雙胞胎的姐妹,關於她的下落人們百般猜測。多莉安的生活驕奢淫逸,並且她似乎能與那個患有精神病的妹妹共同感受來自於身體上...
Jan,01 2009 In Theaters
Written and directed by Ernesto Diaz Espinoza, the film stars Marko Zaror as ” a young hitman who will not relent until he has exacted bloody revenge on the man who killed his moth...
Jan,01 1990 In Theaters
Director Treva Wurmfeld captures an indelible portrait of the complex relationship between playwright/actor Sam Shepard and his close friend Johnny Dark as they prepare forty years...
Feb,01 2017 In Theaters
In a small economically depressed southern town, a gifted young painter with a rare skin disorder must live his life at night. When a tormented young woman being chased by her own ...
Jun,08 1984 In Theaters
Subhash is a photographer from the city, who has come to take pictures of some old temples and ruins in a village. Ruins fascinate him. While in the village, he gets acquainted wit...
Jan,01 1900 In Theaters
Jan,01 2017 In Theaters
GILBERT is a wildly funny and unexpectedly poignant portrait of the life and career of one of comedy's most iconic figures, Gilbert Gottfried.
Mar,14 2014 In Theaters
Jan,01 2008 In Theaters
A mini-series that explores the inner workings of Saddam Hussein's family and his relationship with his closest advisers.
May,24 1995 In Theaters
本片是根據十三世紀末的真實歷史事蹟改編而成。威廉華勒士遠離家園多年後在重返蘇格蘭時‧蘇格蘭王艾德華一世駕崩,艾德華一世雖有一子,但卻不成材,艾德華在駕崩前曾囑咐公主伊莎貝拉找一位賢能之士繼任。此時,英格蘭卻趁蘇格蘭王位懸虛的時機,擬以強大的兵力奪取蘇格蘭的政權。 威廉華勒士本是因為青梅竹馬的愛人而歸國,他眼見摯愛的人即將受到生死的威脅,於是毅然組織訓練蘇格蘭...
Jan,01 1990 In Theaters
Albert who lives in the small Danish provincial town Kalleby. Albert is always up to no good, but he's also really clumsy. One day he comes to overturn the city's landmarks - a sta...
Oct,07 2022 In Theaters
克里斯汀貝爾 X 約拿歐羅素 最佳金獎拍檔 第三度合作 克里斯汀貝爾、瑪格羅比、彼得約拿華盛頓 超強卡司眾星雲集 三屆奧斯卡提名鬼才名導 約拿歐羅素 時隔七年最新原創力作 約拿歐羅素首部時期史詩大片 浪漫融合犯罪 感到拍案叫絕 金獎提名大導約拿歐羅素時隔七年最新原創力作,這次他首度自由選擇歷史寫實, 《阿姆斯特丹》是一部2022...
Oct,06 2022 In Theaters
Jan,01 1990 In Theaters
Ben Banks is the Forrest Gump of the slacker generation. He's a young man without much drive or ambition, who stumbles into a series of strange and fascinating (mis)adventures. Whe...
Sep,01 2011 In Theaters
賽德克·巴萊 Seediq Bale
Oct,25 2006 In Theaters
故事發生在中古世紀,阿祖爾是個金髮碧眼的歐洲貴族,與父親生活在豪華的宮殿中。與他共同生活的,還有奶媽和她的兒子——黑髮、褐色面板的阿斯馬爾。奶媽悉心照顧兩個男孩,並且給他們講述仙靈女的童話故事。但是隨著阿祖爾慢慢長大,他父親把他送到外面接受更專業的教育,並且解僱了奶媽,把她和阿斯馬爾趕出了宮殿。 ...