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Jan,19 2013 In Theaters
Oscar Grant(邁克爾·B·喬丹 Michael B. Jordan 飾)和女友Sophina(梅羅妮·迪亞茲 Melonie Diaz 飾)還有四歲的女兒一起生活在奧克蘭。2008年12月31日,是Oscar母親的生日。早上,他像往常一樣送女兒上幼兒園,送女友上班。Oscar賣過大麻、入過獄,因為經常遲到被炒了魷魚,但他準備在新的一年到來之際努力開...
Nov,18 1983 In Theaters
故事改編自以撒辛格的短篇小說,描述猶太人女子楊朵在二十世紀初的東歐為了追求夢想而女扮男裝求學的故事。 在20世紀初,家住東歐的猶太女孩燕特爾非常好學,但當地的風俗禁止女孩上學,於是她只好女扮男裝。在學校,有一個男生跟她很要好,但他倆的關係涉及到性取向錯亂的議題。
Aug,11 1983 In Theaters
型別: 劇情 / 家庭 / 傳記 / 歷史 / 運動 製片國家/地區: 澳大利亞 語言: 英語 上映日期: 1983-08-11 片長: USA: 107 分鐘 IMDb連結: tt0086102
Jan,01 1990 In Theaters
A look at the life and work of American filmmaker Robert Altman.
Jan,01 1990 In Theaters
Albert who lives in the small Danish provincial town Kalleby. Albert is always up to no good, but he's also really clumsy. One day he comes to overturn the city's landmarks - a sta...
Jan,01 2017 In Theaters
GILBERT is a wildly funny and unexpectedly poignant portrait of the life and career of one of comedy's most iconic figures, Gilbert Gottfried.
May,10 2013 In Theaters
Sep,05 2014 In Theaters
Punk-rocker turned suburban mom, Kelly, is nostalgic for a life she can no longer have and uncertain of a future she doesn't yet fit in. Seventeen-year-old Cal is frustrated at his...
Mar,31 2017 In Theaters
A person of high intelligence struggles to make sense of the world as it relates to morality, relationships, sex and leaving her apartment.
Nov,01 1974 In Theaters
加斯荷伯(布魯諾·斯列斯坦 Bruno S. 飾)從小生活在不見天日的地下室裡,僅靠稀少的水源和麵包維持生命,直到數十年後,早已成年的他才被帶離地下室,第一次親眼看到了外面的大千世界。可是,噩夢並沒有結束,他只不過是從一個地獄跌落到了另一個。在人們的眼中,加斯荷伯並非一個有血有肉的人類,只是一個可供研究和玩樂的部件罷了。剛開始,人們對加斯荷伯充滿了好奇,並且...
Nov,10 2017 In Theaters
Mar,11 2022 In Theaters
Jan,01 2009 In Theaters
在蘇丹的美國記者面臨進退兩難的選擇,到底是要回國報道他們所看到的暴行,還是留下來幫助他們遇到的受害者呢?(譯:sky200700) 蘇丹達爾富爾(Darfur)地區位於蘇丹西部,與查德接壤,面積約佔全國總面積的五分之一。這裡地勢較高,降雨量多,自然條件僅次於蘇丹南部和尼羅河沿岸,蘊藏的石...
Jan,01 1990 In Theaters
Mar,24 2013 In Theaters
HBO出品的電視電影。 菲爾·斯派特,美國著名唱片製作人,這位音樂鬼才曾製作了無數經典名曲,影響了整整一代的流行音樂方向,他獲得過多次格萊美獎,而且還在1989年入主了搖滾名人堂。與他合作過的大牌音樂人有披頭士樂隊、萊昂納德·科恩、正義兄弟合唱團...
Aug,03 1989 In Theaters
Group of petty criminals is trying to make some money under the disguise of musical band in Nazi-occupied Serbia. (also known as "Balkan-Express...
Jan,01 1990 In Theaters
Walter Gary Benjamin works as a ticket-taker slash ticket-tearer at the local Cineplex. When Walter was ten years old he made a deal with God to judge the eternal fate of everyone ...
Apr,20 2012 In Theaters
An aspiring teen detective stumbles into her first real case, when investigating the mysterious new family in her neighborhood.
May,19 2016 In Theaters
《The Red Thread》Seven years after their first infatuated encounter, Abril and Manuel meet again. Despite the fact that they are both married, it is soon apparent that their attract...
Jan,01 1990 In Theaters
Lotte is impulsive, rough around the edges and leads a colourful life on the streets of Berlin, stumbling from man to man and flat to flat. One night in her local bar she bumps int...