Search 沙普的夥伴 result, Total 8812 (take 0.001737 seconds).

May,25 1994 In Theaters
Spain 1812 After the siege of Cuidad Rodrigo, the Dule of Wellington plans to lay siege to Badajoz. Meanwhile, Teresa tell...
Jan,01 1990 In Theaters
Following five couples and their friend Robert (Neil Patrick Harris), the perpetual bachelor, Company explores the true meaning of being in a relationship through a series of vigne...
Nov,23 1983 In Theaters
Unable to find her runaway son, a woman deceives two of her ex-lovers from her youth, a mild-mannered teacher and a tough journalist, that each is the real father in order to obtai...
Oct,08 1972 In Theaters
導演: 羅伯特·本頓 編劇: 大衛·紐曼 / 羅伯特·本頓 主演: 傑夫·布里吉斯 / Barry Brown / Jim Davis 型別: 劇情 / 西部 製片國家/地區: 美國 語言: 英語 上映日期: 1972-10-08 ...
Oct,28 2016 In Theaters
父母分居已久的小明缺乏家庭關愛,生日也沒有忙碌父母的陪伴。小明生日前一天收到媽媽的匯款,大方的請小夥伴吃飯玩樂。並邀請大家去家中別墅開派對。小夥伴們對小明的家庭羨慕不已,小明得意之下便向同學們吹牛,家裡如何富庶,父母多麼疼愛自己甚至用自己生日設定家中保險箱的密碼...說者無心聽者有意,被 一旁的貨運司機劉背與理髮店小老闆莊錢無意聽到。 兩個走投無路的人起了邪...
May,12 1993 In Theaters
Sir Arthur Wellesley takes the army into Spain. In camp, Sharpe and Harper watch the arrival of a new regiment - the South Essex. At its head is Col. Sir Henry Simmerson, accompa...
Aug,27 2013 In Theaters
五隻住在芬園農場裡的狗狗們無意中發現了五枚看似普通的脖圈,戴上後他們居然都有了超能力,可以飛、可以隱形、也可以將身形變得很長,他們利用特殊能力解救被搶劫的糖果店老闆,也成功救出受困火場的小女孩,短短几天內,狗狗們就變成小鎮上的英雄,但他們萬萬沒想到這五枚脖圈居然大有來頭,也將他們推入了邪惡又混亂的深淵。 來自23象限星球的凱南艦長來到地球尋找遺失的五枚茵斯派...
Jan,01 2009 In Theaters
曾混跡黑社會的印度裔男子維路出獄後,一心過回正常人生活,可惜人在江湖,身不由己。他最疼愛的弟弟跟隨當年好友混入黑道;曾經的老大黑摩利據說也返回香港,圖謀殺害機動部隊陳督察;警官肥棠(林雪 飾)則隔三差五找到維路瞭解線索。維路不勝其擾,卻又無可奈何。 另一方面,香港油尖旺魚龍混雜,各方勢力...
Feb,17 1998 In Theaters
Apr,19 1995 In Theaters
Pyrennees, September 1813 Lost in the Spanish hills, Sharpe's men come across the attacked remains of an English wagon trai...
May,01 1996 In Theaters
Sharpe is horrified to be told that his regiment,the South Essex,is to be disbanded and discovers a plot whereby corrupt war minister Fenner and other high ranking militarists auct...
Apr,26 1995 In Theaters
Franco-Spanish Border, 1813 A carriage travelling through the countryside is ambushed by the French. Only a young nun esca...
Nov,02 2008 In Theaters
Apr,23 2006 In Theaters
《夏普的挑戰》是一部2006年的英國電視電影,通常分爲兩部分,這是根據伯納德·康威爾關於拿破崙戰爭期間英國士兵理查德·夏普的歷史小說小說創作的ITV系列電視劇的一部分。 惠靈頓的公爵在滑鐵盧粉碎拿破崙兩年之後,有來自一個印度當地土着的的新聞,內容是那裏威脅到英國的利益。惠靈頓密令沙普調查,究竟他執行的是什麼樣的危險任務?將軍...
Jun,01 1994 In Theaters
Portugal 1813 French, Portuguese and British deserters have banded together and taken over the village of Adrados. They ar...
Apr,12 1995 In Theaters
Spain, Summer 1813 After a campaign battle, Sharpe discovers that a group of soldiers led by Sgt. Rodd are deserting. The p...
May,14 1997 In Theaters
England, Summer 1814 The war is over, Napoleon is in exile on Elba, and Sharpe returns to England. He accepts a posting to...
May,15 1996 In Theaters
France 1813 Col. Cresson and Gen. Calvet plan to capture Wellington's intelligence chief, Maj. Gen. Ross. Gypsies are campi...
May,07 1997 In Theaters
Toulouse - April 1814 In the French camp, Ducos watches as Napoleon's fortune is loaded on a cart. If Toulouse falls, the ...
May,05 1993 In Theaters
Richard Sharpe is a scrappy Sergeant with the second Battalion of the 95th Rifles. After bravely saving the life of the Sir Arthur Wellesley (the future Duke of Wellington), Sharpe...