Search 喬·羅伯特·高爾 result, Total 3006 (take 0.001225 seconds).

Jan,01 1990 In Theaters
Kylie Winters| a bullied and self-loathing teen| reluctantly agrees to babysit at an isolated country mansion on Halloween night. When a small boy in a pig mask appears at the door...
Jan,01 1990 In Theaters
A look at the life and work of American filmmaker Robert Altman.
Sep,17 1981 In Theaters
一個名叫丹尼·諾能(Danny Noonen)的年輕人,為了賺點錢來貼補家用和上大學,到一家高爾夫球俱樂部當球童的故事。情節並不複雜,但卻笑料百出。尤其是由比爾·穆利(Bill Murrey)飾演的園丁卡爾(Carl)。這是個有點歇斯底里的老兵,他聲稱曾與西藏喇嘛(Dalai Lama)打過一年半的交道。片中,他一直試圖用塑料炸藥來消滅討厭的田鼠。當卡爾為了...
Jan,17 2014 In Theaters
近日在美國聖丹斯電影節上,奧斯卡影帝羅伯特·德尼羅首次公開放映了他為父親拍攝的紀錄片—《緬懷藝術家老羅伯特·德尼羅》(Remembering the Artist:Robert De Niro, Sr.)。該片還將於6月在HBO播出。 羅伯特·德尼羅很少談論自己的私生活,現在卻鄭重其事地...
Mar,24 2006 In Theaters
Nov,10 2017 In Theaters
Mar,11 2022 In Theaters
Dec,15 1983 In Theaters
高爾基公園(Gorky Park)是1983年美國神祕驚悚片,改編自馬丁·克魯茲·史密斯(Paul Cruz Smith)的小說《高爾基公園》。這部電影是由邁克爾·阿普特(Michael Apted)執導的。丹尼斯·波特(Dennis Potter)憑藉其電影劇本贏得了1984年埃德加獎。 《高爾...
Oct,13 2017 In Theaters
《高爾夫球手 Swing Away》Following a meltdown that leads to a suspension, professional golfer Zoe Papadopoulos travels to her grandparents' village in Greece to escape the harsh spotlight...
Jan,01 2018 In Theaters
Jan,01 1985 In Theaters
羅尼(Joe Mullaney)和威爾(Will)是住在蘇格蘭高地附近愛丁堡的兩個遊手好閒的小混混。窮困潦倒一無所有的兩人總想著某一天能幹點大事。於是他們以羅賓漢的英雄情懷自我鼓勵,決定“禮貌地”打劫高地觀光團遊客們的現金。兩個人帶著狼人面具和小丑面具,拿著可以噴出咖哩粉的玩具槍就開始了蒙面搶劫的征程。哪知兩個人的打劫行為竟然成了吸引高地觀光團遊客們的一大賣...
Jan,01 1990 In Theaters
A fictional account of the 1958 attack against the Hungarian embassy in Bern. Based on a true story about the aftermath of the 1956 Hungarian revolution. ...
Oct,16 2017 In Theaters
The 1 x 90' newly commissioned film will be a very personal documentary revealing how the boy from north London became one of the most influential recording artists of all time and...
Nov,29 2011 In Theaters
Adele將那些心碎的回憶,化為糾結人心的浪漫旋律,從自彈自唱的宅女搖身一變成為叱吒風雲的流行女王。2011年9月22日,Adele首度登上全球歌者的終極聖殿——英國倫敦皇家愛爾伯特音樂廳,《Live At The Royal Albert Hall》完整記錄了這一票難求的演唱會完整實況。 ...
Jan,01 1990 In Theaters
James D. Cooper拍攝的紀錄片,關於導演Christopher Stamp和Kit Lambert怎麼創造搖滾傳奇The Who樂隊。有抱負的電影人Christopher Stamp和Kit Lambert本來計劃拍攝一部地下電影,主題是關於戰後倫敦年輕人如何表達不滿的情緒。這是兩人初次合作,兩人的靈感來源於1960年代初倫敦迅速發展的青年文化。...
Sep,11 2016 In Theaters
The film follows a mountain man on the run from authorities who survives the winter by breaking into empty vacation homes. He's haunted by a recurring dream of being lost at sea an...
Jan,01 1990 In Theaters
In the unconventional documentary Becoming Bert Stern, the original mad-man photographer reveals himself for the first time...
Mar,24 2013 In Theaters
HBO出品的電視電影。 菲爾·斯派特,美國著名唱片製作人,這位音樂鬼才曾製作了無數經典名曲,影響了整整一代的流行音樂方向,他獲得過多次格萊美獎,而且還在1989年入主了搖滾名人堂。與他合作過的大牌音樂人有披頭士樂隊、萊昂納德·科恩、正義兄弟合唱團...
Aug,03 1989 In Theaters
Group of petty criminals is trying to make some money under the disguise of musical band in Nazi-occupied Serbia. (also known as "Balkan-Express...
Jan,01 1990 In Theaters
Walter Gary Benjamin works as a ticket-taker slash ticket-tearer at the local Cineplex. When Walter was ten years old he made a deal with God to judge the eternal fate of everyone ...