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Jan,01 1990 In Theaters
In 1991 a skateboard company was created with the most revered team roster in the history of skateboarding, it was named Plan B. A year later the first video "Questionable" debuted...
Oct,20 2014 In Theaters
The name is Francis Berrard Griffin. I'm 91. I was born on the 24th of July 1921. And my secret of long life is to relax, all the time. So I don't get excited about things. If I wa...
Aug,18 2014 In Theaters
Jonni dedicates the entire movie to showcasing his exotically tattooed star in diverse pornographic situations. Gavin Kane's scrotum bumps her nose as she deep-throats, and face fu...
Jan,01 1990 In Theaters
This observational documentary follows the journey of Beyoncé’s super-fans who, unable to pay for the most expensive tickets, camped out for two months to secure their front row sp...
Sep,13 2015 In Theaters
Taking inspiration from L’Afrique fantôme — the controversial diary by French surrealist writer Michel Leiris recounting his participation in the ambitious Dakar-Djibouti ethnograp...
Jun,07 2016 In Theaters
A young girl named Heidi who lives with her mentally disabled mother, travels across the country to find out about her and her mothers past.
Jan,01 2011 In Theaters
Oct,12 2013 In Theaters
B For Boy is a contemporary drama set in Nigeria, about one woman's desperate need for a male child; which reveals the discrimination of women in the names of culture and religion.
Jan,01 1990 In Theaters
Jan,01 1988 In Theaters
Features the arrival of the evil, pterodactyl-riding Black Baby, whom Ultra B fights with the aid of his cohorts Super Baby Robot and Muscle Bird.
Mar,12 2005 In Theaters
《可可西里》-- 一個神祕而令人嚮往的地方,如同它的原意﹕美麗的少女一樣,千萬年來,可可西里在寧靜與和諧中存在著。不知何時,人類的大腳踏了進來,和諧被打破了。當罪惡的槍聲在可可西里響起後, 寧靜就不復存在。貪婪與血腥、保護與再生,構成了當今的可可西里,也就有了這部影片—《可可西里》。 這是一部關於信仰與生命的電影,是一部關注人類自我生存狀況和自然環境的電影。...
Jun,28 1991 In Theaters
B 타임의 정사 A love affair of B time,은 1991에 발표 된 한국 1991 성인 .28 개봉 영화입니다,영화는 이광섭가 지배하고 있습니다,김혜원,서양탁,강태기 및 기타 주요 배우,한국에서 1991년06월28일에 출시되었습니다. 월간 여성지 기자인 미희는 연상여인과의 스캔들로 링을 떠난 창호가 구두...
Dec,26 2012 In Theaters
六歲女孩小瑪,和爸爸阿湯相依為命。小瑪是爸爸生命中最重要的事物,即使生活拮据,阿湯仍儘可能讓小瑪的童年過得美好快樂。不過當小瑪遇見阻街女郎小玫,一切就完全不一樣了…。小瑪決定給爸爸跟自己一份特別的聖誕禮物:一個女人! ...
Oct,01 1948 In Theaters
Dec,15 2001 In Theaters
Jan,21 2016 In Theaters
Winner of the Audience Award at the Los Angeles LGBT Film Festival (OUTFEST), this heartwarming drama is a love letter to the dream of a teenager. Miles is a high school student fr...
Oct,21 2016 In Theaters
住在北鐮倉的間宮一家人,近日為了女兒紀子的終身大事,個個焦急不已。溫婉貌美的紀子就快過了適婚年齡,伴著家人的聲聲催促、身邊好姐妹們相繼成家,甚至連公司主管亦為她介紹起相親物件,不知是逃避還是沒興趣,紀子看似不著急,但掛在臉上的那一抹微笑,卻又像在掩飾潛藏的不安。時光荏苒,幸福的歸宿究竟該花落何方,面對人生的選擇題,也許在紀子的心中早有答案。 與《晚春》、《東...
Jan,01 2009 In Theaters
Jan,01 2012 In Theaters
唐·麥庫寧(Don McCullin)(1935-)著名英國戰地記者,被公認為當今世上最傑出的、最為勇敢且最為敏感的戰地記者,入選自1855年至今150年以來世界54位新聞攝影大師行列他的照片被世界各地主要的美術館列為館藏。他所拍攝的照片幾乎涵蓋了20世紀下半葉的主要戰役,其中有很多幅都已成為時代符號。作品備受當代藝評家如約翰.博格、蘇珊.宋妲等人關注。唐·...