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Jan,01 1990 In Theaters
這部以反對以色列為主格調的動作電影名叫《巴勒斯坦惡狼谷》,是根據同名電視劇改編而成。從電影製片方此前放出的預告片來看,影片講述了主人公及其夥伴作為土耳其祕密間諜一同踏上了向以色列士兵復仇的道路,他們尋找到授權襲擊救援船的以色列指揮官並將其暗殺。預告片中還多次出現了土耳其人和以色列人相互謾罵的情節。 ...
Jan,01 1990 In Theaters
A documentary produced in 1979 to celebrate the centenary of the birth of Albert Einstein. Narrated and hosted by Peter Ustinov and written by Nigel Calder, the film takes place at...
Apr,14 2006 In Theaters
羅馬帝國衰亡後,馬可王(盧菲斯索沃飾演)想要整合英格蘭進行自治。他最強的武士叫崔斯坦(詹姆斯法蘭科飾演),家庭慘遭愛爾蘭摧毀後,馬可王撫養他長大。他認為有崔斯坦在他身邊,人民將會團結,掙脫愛爾蘭的壓制。 某回崔斯坦在戰爭中受了重傷,一名叫伊索德(蘇菲亞邁爾斯飾演)的女孩照顧他,讓他康復,兩個青春戀人在海邊小屋私訂終身。無奈她竟是愛爾蘭王唐查的女兒,唐查為將勢...
Jul,31 1965 In Theaters
導演: 田中重雄 編劇: 長谷川公之 主演: 若尾文子 / 川崎敬三 / 江波杏子 / 角梨枝子 型別: 劇情 製片國家/地區: 日本 語言: 日語 上映日期: 1965-07-31 又名: Furin ...
Jan,01 1990 In Theaters
In the future, man’s quest for answers will take him to the edge of the universe. But the knowledge they seek, should never be known.
Apr,20 2012 In Theaters
An aspiring teen detective stumbles into her first real case, when investigating the mysterious new family in her neighborhood.
Jan,15 2010 In Theaters
梵谷的左耳(Painters and Provence) 輔導級 74分 迷戀畢卡索(A life in Provence) 輔導級 78分 為什麼偉大的畫家都來到普羅旺斯居住?燃燒的向日葵、艷陽下的紅葡萄園、麥田裡的絲柏樹、隆河上的星夜與星空下的咖啡館…普羅旺斯的陽光與景色為何讓梵谷的畫風轉變如此巨大?來到【普羅旺斯星空下】,透過如詩的運鏡與旁白,呼吸普羅...
Sep,16 1990 In Theaters
Recovering from the horrors of World War I, British Army officer Arthur Hastings hopes to find peace and quiet at a country manor in the English countryside. But when the matriarch...
Mar,12 2016 In Theaters
Jun,10 2005 In Theaters
Jan,22 2016 In Theaters
《史帝夫賈伯斯 Steve Jobs》是一個2015年的傳記 劇由執導電影丹尼·博伊爾和書面亞倫·索爾金。它是英美聯合制作的電影,改編自2011年沃爾特·艾薩克森( Walter Isaacson)的傳記以及索爾金(Sorkin)進行的採訪,涵蓋了蘋果公司聯合創始人史蒂夫·喬布斯(&...
Oct,23 2015 In Theaters
Mar,05 2012 In Theaters
On the day of his college graduation, Preston Plummer cannot think of a single thing he really loves. Adrift, Preston follows a beautiful but troubled young woman to a small island...
Jan,01 1990 In Theaters
A behind-the-scenes look at Moscow's prestigious Bolshoi Theatre as it's rocked by an acid-attack scandal in 2013.
Jan,01 2021 In Theaters
Jul,01 2016 In Theaters
Four friends on their way to Coachella stop off in Los Angeles to tour true-crime occult sites, only to encounter a mysterious young runaway who puts them on a terrifying path to u...
Jul,17 2015 In Theaters
Nov,23 2008 In Theaters
A look at the evolution of Albert Einstein's theory of relativity, and Einstein's relationship with British scientist Sir Arthur Eddington, the first physicist to understand his id...
Jan,08 2021 In Theaters
《不可侵犯:溫斯坦性醜聞 Untouchable》一部不可動搖的電影是2019年的英國紀錄片,講述了電影製片人哈維溫斯坦( Harvey Weinstein)和涉及他的性虐待指控。它由Ursula Macfarlane執導。這部電影的重點是採訪溫斯坦的控告者,包括羅珊娜·阿奎特( Rosanna Arquette),帕斯&m...
Jul,26 2013 In Theaters
Toward the end of World War II, Russian soldiers pushing into eastern Germany stumble across a secret Nazi lab, one that has unearthed and begun experimenting with the journal of o...