Search E・G・マーシャル result, Total 460 (take 0.002046 seconds).

Mar,22 2002 In Theaters
Ali G unwittingly becomes a pawn in the evil Chancellor's plot to overthrow the Prime Minister of Great Britain. However, instead of bringing the Prime Minister down, Ali is embrac...
Jan,23 2016 In Theaters
In the first Plotagon feature length film, a naively ambitious computer whiz named Wyatt becomes involved with drug lord G to assist in overthrowing his competitors. But in the see...
Jan,01 2021 In Theaters
廉政公署首席調查主任陸志廉赴海外參加「亞太反貪會議」期間,意外拯救東南亞女首席法官Emma Pong (龐愛瑪)。Emma 致力打擊國際販賣女奴集團,因此成為背後集團首腦 King (沙育) 追殺的目標。 與此同時,陸志廉和程德明正聯手調查入境事務處職員受賄案件,查至一處貨櫃場。行動展開時,卻遇到重火力的武裝分子還擊,幸好警方總督察劉保強帶領增援隊伍及時趕到...
Sep,28 2013 In Theaters
A girl and boy. Brother and sister. Living in poverty and neglect. Lost in the woods. They see a house, rush toward it... it is magical. Full of good food, soft sheets, love and ca...
Jan,01 1960 In Theaters
The story of the film is adapted from the Old Testament: The Philistines declare war on the Israelites and wrench the Arch of the Alliance from them. Saul, the king of Israel, list...
Jan,01 1983 In Theaters
導演: Bruno Corbucci 主演: Bud Spencer 型別: 喜劇 / 犯罪 製片國家/地區: 義大利 語言: 義大利語 上映日期: 1983 IMDb連結: tt008371...
Jan,01 1990 In Theaters
導演: Francesco Amato 編劇: Francesco Amato / Giuliano Miniati / Daniela Gambaro 主演: 裡卡多·斯卡馬里奧 / Clara Ponsot 製片國家/地區: 義大利 語言: 義大利語 ...
Jan,01 2015 In Theaters
《 Max e Hélène e Hélène》,是西蒙·維森塔爾(Simon Wiesenthal)的小說的粗略改寫,講述了對一個有前途的學生猶太人Max和堅定的反猶太人的小女兒Max之間折磨的真情的真實故事。 。但這也是艱難追捕虐待狂罪犯的故事。
Jan,01 1970 In Theaters
A beautiful sexy DJ is forced to run when she stumbles on a stash of cash. Can she keep the money, conquer her demons, AND get the girl?             &...
Jan,18 2014 In Theaters
Jan,01 2010 In Theaters
The year is 2099, there is tumult everywhere and Japan is dominated by a secretive society. A mysterious girl called Shin roams the country and its outlands. There is an investigat...
Aug,07 2009 In Theaters
宇宙無敵超娘時尚達人 誓當瘋頭最賤的上流Gay 大膽挑釁時尚名流虛偽面,並直接撩撥同志、種族等禁忌話題的新片《G型教主》(Bruno)是向來語不驚人死不休的影壇奇葩薩夏拜倫柯恩,繼他在2006年全美賣座破億的爆笑喜劇《芭樂特》中飾演又聳又邋遢的哈薩克記者後,再次創造的銀幕無釐頭人物。 這回薩夏搖身一變為來自奧地利的同志主播「布魯諾」,來到美國後以流行教主自居...
Apr,03 2008 In Theaters
GP是休戰線邊上非武裝地帶最前沿警戒區的哨兵,是冷戰後的餘留兵。07年五月的一個雨夜,GP506的20名隊員全部被一名士兵所殺,由於506的隊長乃是總參謀長的兒子,軍方對此事高度緊張,派出盧搜查官(千浩振 飾)負責在一夜時間內調查出事件真相。搜查隊當夜進入506駐防的戒哨營,除了存活的嫌疑人士兵姜春元(李英勳 飾)外,本應20具的屍體少了一具,搜查隊發現了自...
Jun,11 2015 In Theaters
Kris cant land a job in Warsaw and is now trying his luck in Frankfurt, where he ends up in a design underwear store for men. After some initial difficulties he explores the foreig...
Jan,01 1990 In Theaters
製片國家/地區: 印度 語言: 北印度語 IMDb連結: tt0266456
Dec,17 2021 In Theaters
The hilarious comic twists that awaits when Joymon (Basil Joseph) who works as a nurse in a phenomenally cold Canadian lowland, desperate to escape his lonely, mundane and routine ...
Aug,02 2018 In Theaters
Two girls have a chance encounter and instantly befriend. While trying to find themselves, they decide to pursue music together.
Jul,03 2014 In Theaters
Apr,14 2014 In Theaters
A criticized anchor-man, a lively octogenarian guest on a tv show that spares no one, friends from home watching it on TV, with an unpredictable ending.