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Jan,01 1977 In Theaters
Jan,01 2010 In Theaters
Sep,21 2018 In Theaters
Michael Moore's provocative documentary explores the two most important questions of the Trump Era: How the f--k did we get here, and how the f--k do we get out?
Jan,01 2004 In Theaters
After an evening of drinking, six men find themselves in front of The God of the Joke. Distressed to find that people aren't laughing anymore, He gives the six friends a mission: t...
May,18 2012 In Theaters
20世紀70年代,西南三線地區,無數的上海人懷著崇高的理想來到這片貧瘠的土地建設國家,付出莫大的犧牲。此時此刻,文革的餘威仍在,各國營單位亂相未除,而在子弟學校就讀的少年王憨(劉文卿 飾)則和八拉頭(張珂源 飾)、小老鼠(鍾國流星 飾)、衛軍(樓逸昊 飾)等幾個夥伴過著無 憂無慮的快樂生活。王憨廣播體操動作標準,被選為領操員,為此軟磨硬泡求媽媽(閆妮 飾)為...
Jan,01 2014 In Theaters
Sep,08 2017 In Theaters
A group of 5 people find themselves trapped in an elevator in the World Trade Center's North Tower on 9/11. They work together, never giving up hope, to try to escape before the un...
Oct,15 2003 In Theaters
Tells the seemingly random yet vitally connected story of a set of incidents that all converge one evening at 11:14pm. The story follows the chain of events of five different chara...
Oct,07 2014 In Theaters
"What is boondocking?" We often hear this question. For us, it has come to define a style of riding that is all about getting off the beaten path and exploring remote mountain rang...
Jan,01 1990 In Theaters
In the not-so distant future, researchers at a deep-sea laboratory have finally invented a time machine. Head researcher Woo-seok is promised funding from a mega-corporation if he ...
Sep,27 2015 In Theaters
John 'Concrete' Hong has one night to fight his way across a violent city and rescue the one he loves. After eviction from their apartment, John and Bethany Hong are forced to live...
Sep,02 2015 In Theaters
The lives of urbanites intertwine in a world where anything can happen at any time.
Jun,21 2015 In Theaters
A Science Fiction feature about a young woman who, tormented with guilt after her involvement in a random tragic incident, travels back in time across all timelines in the hope of ...
Oct,06 2017 In Theaters
In the final days of WWI a shell-shocked soldier must lead a mission deep beneath the trenches to stop a German plot that could turn the tide of the war.
Jan,01 1990 In Theaters
In times of crisis Town The economy has affected people's happiness index. Nations want someone to treat your parents and siblings population. This guy was voted president of all t...
Oct,07 2023 In Theaters
1970年代初頭から個人制作による唯一無二のスタイルで映画作品やインスタレーションなどを手がけるアメリカの実験映画作家ジェームズ・ベニングが1976年に発表した長編第1作。 タイトルの「11×14」は印画紙の寸法で、ベニング監督が本作の前に手がけた短編「8 1/2×11」(タイプ用紙の寸法)の発展形として制作。ベニング監督が生まれ育ったウィスコンシン州ミル...
Oct,23 2020 In Theaters
《華氏11/9 Fahrenheit  11/9》是電影製片人邁克爾·摩爾( Michael Moore)於2018年拍攝的美國紀錄片,講述 2016年美國總統大選和唐納德·特朗普( Donald Trump)的任期。這部電影於2018年 9月6日在 2018年多倫多國際...
Jan,01 2018 In Theaters
Jan,01 2019 In Theaters
Jun,06 2014 In Theaters
年輕貌美的皮划艇運動員阮小月(陳喬恩 飾),痛失即將結婚的教練男友何天華(黃曉明 飾),尋求真相心切的她,在有望成為未來之星的運動生涯關鍵時刻突然離隊,帶著種種疑惑,隻身來到一所大學擔任校龍舟隊的臨時教練。阮小月的到來,打碎了龍舟隊的大男孩們一邊嬉鬧一邊看美女的美夢,取而代之的是無止境的魔鬼式訓練及麻辣教練臭臉相伴的噩夢,無限制地挑戰著大男孩們的小心臟和小肌...