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Jan,01 2015 In Theaters
Sep,02 1988 In Theaters
一個審查員因失手殺人而坐牢,出獄後,他流浪到巴黎。某日,一個陌生人給他200法郎,他起初不想接受這筆錢,因為知道自己還不了。陌生人告訴他,能夠歸還時就將錢拿到某個教堂交給“小德麗莎”(寓意修女德蘭),他才肯把錢收下。其後,他的人生髮生了一連串奇妙的變化,他在不停地尋找那個教堂和“小德麗莎”,在此過程中找到了自己的心靈救贖。 ...
Jan,01 2010 In Theaters
Sep,02 2023 In Theaters
首集追蹤對象是李心潔,紀錄片將剖析她做為現代母親的各種面向。心潔帶著大家回到她成長的家鄉-馬來西亞吉打州,追憶她兒時那段擁抱大自然和快樂嬉戲的童年,那也是促成她一生得以無所畏懼、忠於自己生活態度的地方。 之後,延伸到她在城市裡的日常生活,回顧她從20多歲把繼女帶在身邊照顧,至40歲懷孕再生下兩個雙胞胎兒子的心路歷程,分享了當中的苦與樂,還有生活裡值得去學習...
Jan,01 1990 In Theaters
Evenside Church is an upstanding and venerable institution that has served African-American families in rural Maryland for 200 years. Minister Karl Upton is proud to be its young, ...
Jan,01 2021 In Theaters
Jun,21 2009 In Theaters
After 42 years, feisty and delightful lesbian couple Edie and Thea are finally getting married. From the early '60s to the present day, the tireless community activists persevere t...
Jan,01 2021 In Theaters
The story follows Rena Yukuhasahi, a reserved office lady and Ryouhei Hachiya, a businessman and fellow colleague. Yukuhasahi appears to be the most reserved girl in the company, b...