Search 斉藤マッチュ result, Total 47 (take 0.001574 seconds).

Jan,01 1998 In Theaters
Sequel to 'Ando Gumi Gaiden Genealogy of the Group Wolf'
Jan,01 2000 In Theaters
The third and final V-Cinema sequel.
Jan,01 2000 In Theaters
The second of three V-Cinema sequels.
Jan,01 2012 In Theaters
Kudo Shinichi and Mori Ran are invited to the set of a jidaigeki in Kyoto. On their airplane ride to Kyoto, a murder mystery arises. As well, when they finally reach the set in Kyo...
Jan,01 2021 In Theaters
Jan,01 2011 In Theaters
A discussion between the director Satoshi Kon and Tamaki Saitō, a psychologist known for his work about "hikikomori", and an interview of the director Satoshi Kon and the series' m...
May,17 2014 In Theaters
【影展日期】 2014/05/17-06/01,共計36場 【地點】 高雄市電影館3樓放映廳(售票影展) 【導讀】 「寫給吾愛的情書--新藤兼人與其妻乙羽信子回顧展」 高雄市電影館5月17日起 全臺獨家上映 日本最長壽的導演及編劇新藤兼人在2012年以百歲高齡逝世,其創作年譜橫跨一甲子,由他經手撰寫的劇本拍成電影的竟超過兩百部,是世界上罕見的量多質精的國寶級...