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Dec,18 1973 In Theaters
◎1975奧斯卡最佳外語片 ◎1974紐約影評人協會最佳導演及最佳影片 三月,空氣中紛飛飄揚著輕軟絮草,教堂的鐘響迴盪在石板路上,小...
Dec,27 2015 In Theaters
An expert at sleight of hand and with a keen eye for identifying charlatans and tricksters, our story begins as Harry has fallen on hard times in recent years, professionally and e...
Feb,06 2015 In Theaters
Jan,23 2016 In Theaters
講述上世紀70年代電視記者Christine Chubbuck的生平。
Dec,14 2011 In Theaters
《歇斯底里 Hysteria》是由Tanya Wexler執導的2011年英國時期浪漫喜劇電影。影片由休·丹西(Hugh Dancy)和瑪姬·吉倫哈爾(Maggie Gyllenhaal)飾演,菲利西蒂·瓊斯(Felicity Jones),喬納森·普賴斯(Jonathan Pryce)和魯珀特&mid...
Jul,01 2011 In Theaters
阿米爾汗(Aamir Khan)一出,誰與爭鋒? 近日上映的印度片《Delhi Belly》,是阿米爾汗的製作公司出品,他並沒有參與演出,但有他在幕後當推手,這部電影自開拍以來就備受矚目,大家都好像在等待一項電影盛事似的。 ...
May,29 2009 In Theaters
Nov,27 2009 In Theaters
The movie starts with Navdeep who plays Ajay proclaiming that 'with a friend like Arya, there is no need of enemies'. Arya and Ajay belong to an orphanage, and Arya befriends Ajay....
Mar,23 2012 In Theaters
【內容簡介】 在權力角逐的中東地區上演著驚心動魄的諜對諜。由寶萊塢帥哥賽爾夫?阿里?汗領銜主演的特工Vinod受上頭之託 準備剷除恐怖組織在地勢力,精彩的爆破畫面加上對打情節堪稱“印度版的007”。 ...
Sep,02 2012 In Theaters
Jun,06 2012 In Theaters
2012/6/6(三)早場起 探索人類起源 可能自取滅亡 今年暑假,叱吒好萊塢多年並以產量與質量備受肯定與尊重的大導演雷利史考特,回歸由他立下典範的科幻動作冒險型別,即將打造一部具史詩氣勢的現代神話《普羅米修斯》,以高質感3D帶領觀眾經歷一場壯闊的探險! 一群探險家進行太空探測時,發現了地球人類起源的線索,進而引領他們直探宇宙最黑暗的角落。為了整體人類未來的...
Jan,01 1970 In Theaters
《魔鬼阿諾 The Running Man》是一部於1987年上映的科幻動作電影,根據史蒂芬·金的同名小說改編,保羅·麥可·格拉澤執導,阿諾·史瓦辛格主演。其他幾位主要演員還包括理察·道森、瑪利亞·康柯塔·阿隆索、傑西·溫圖拉和亞非特·...
Jul,22 2013 In Theaters
pringsteen & I is an upcoming documentary-biographical film directed by Baillie Walsh documenting the life and career of Bruce Springsteen through the eyes and insights of his fans...
Jun,08 2016 In Theaters
Indigenous Detective JAY SWAN arrives in the frontier town of "Goldstone" on a missing persons enquiry. What seems like a simple "light duties" investigation opens into a web of cr...
Jan,19 2011 In Theaters
Feb,10 2016 In Theaters
Oct,27 2011 In Theaters
Jan,01 1970 In Theaters
The incredible story of genius musician Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, told in flashback by his peer and secret rival Antonio Salieri – now confined to an insane asylum.
Jan,01 1952 In Theaters
Androcles is a Christian who follows that religion's teachings even as they apply to the treatment of animals. Seeing a lion in pain, he removes a huge thorn from the beast's paw, ...
Jan,01 1990 In Theaters
導演: Bill Siegel 主演: 穆罕默德·阿里 型別: 紀錄片 / 傳記 製片國家/地區: 美國 語言: 英語 片長: 86分鐘 IMDb連結: tt2489734