Search 邁克爾·布萊克洛克 result, Total 1854 (take 0.001752 seconds).

Jan,21 2017 In Theaters
On her way home for a family visit, 21-year old Lucy emerges from a Brooklyn subway to find her neighborhood under attack. Lucy decides to cross the treacherous five blocks of Bush...
Mar,15 2016 In Theaters
Claire is sure of herself, her work and family, until - like a bad dream - her husband disappears, leaving a trail of puzzling secrets that shatter her certainty. ...
Jan,20 2014 In Theaters
探索頻道(Discovery Channel)首部迷你劇《克朗代克》,預計將於2014年播出。 劇本改編自Charlotte Gray的小說《Gold Diggers: Striking It Rich In The Klondike》,Richard Madden扮演的William ...
Mar,14 2012 In Theaters
Jul,16 1970 In Theaters
The movie is some kind of misnomer ,cause Cromwell's reign is reduced to a short laudatory comment at the end of the movie.However,the film is good with a splendid cast.Richard Har...
Sep,10 1958 In Theaters
Jun,08 1984 In Theaters
Subhash is a photographer from the city, who has come to take pictures of some old temples and ruins in a village. Ruins fascinate him. While in the village, he gets acquainted wit...
Oct,16 2017 In Theaters
The 1 x 90' newly commissioned film will be a very personal documentary revealing how the boy from north London became one of the most influential recording artists of all time and...
Jun,25 2017 In Theaters
該部《邁克·傑克遜:找尋夢幻島》改編自2014年出版的傳記《銘記時間:在邁克·傑克遜生命的最後階段保護他》(Remember the Time: Protecting Michael Jackson in His Final Days),此本傳記由邁克·傑克遜的保鏢創作。 影片聚焦邁克爾...
Apr,01 2016 In Theaters
A family move to Beverly Hills to relax. Only till they find out the purge is about to happen.
Oct,19 2012 In Theaters
這是發生在I.S.318(Intermediate School 318,位於紐約市的布魯克林區。)的真實故事,,它似乎令人難以置信卻又是那樣引人矚目。這所學校65%的學生處於聯邦政府的貧困線以下,卻擁有全美排名最高的初中象棋組。 紀錄片的物件正是象棋組的學生們:Rochelle, 立志成為美國第一位黑人女性象棋大師; Pobo, 富有個人魅力的象棋組領導...
Jan,01 2008 In Theaters
Oct,22 2009 In Theaters
澳門賭場的老闆剛剛去世,對頭況小姐(何超儀 飾)突然前來挑釁,幸好代掌櫃卓一(劉青雲 飾)及時趕到,才化險為夷。原來,賭場太子張人傑(古天樂 飾)遠在加拿大,賭場生意遵遺囑由卓一打理。在卓一的安排下,張人傑千里迢迢回來奔喪,但各位股東均感到這個小夥子缺乏經驗。在跟卓一的單挑中,張人傑更是屢遭戲弄。 ...
Feb,01 2017 In Theaters
In a small economically depressed southern town, a gifted young painter with a rare skin disorder must live his life at night. When a tormented young woman being chased by her own ...
Jan,01 1970 In Theaters
35歲的中年外交家傑羅姆(讓-克勞德·布里亞利 Jean-Claude Brialy飾)是一個具有深刻洞察力和幽默感的男人。即將結婚的傑羅姆,以單身漢的身份參加了老朋友奧羅拉(奧羅拉·科努 Aurora Cornu飾)邀請的度假之旅。在美麗而寧靜的鄉村莊園,奧羅拉介紹了兩位花季少女勞拉(碧翠絲·羅曼德 Béatrice Romand飾)和克萊爾(勞倫斯·莫納...
Mar,16 2013 In Theaters
導演: 斯泰西·謝爾曼 編劇: 斯泰西·謝爾曼 主演: 珊農·沃德華德 / 喬·洛·特魯格里奧 / 溫迪·麥麗登·康薇 / 雷·懷斯 / Timm Sharp / 瑪麗·凱·普萊斯 / 凱西·威爾遜 / 凱瑟琳·巴赫 / 塞繆爾·拉森 / 法耶·金斯利 / 尼克·圖恩 / 博伊德·肯斯特納 / 傑奎琳·埃沃拉 / India ...
Jan,01 2007 In Theaters
導演: Michael Mongillo 編劇: James Charbonneau 主演: Michael Madsen 型別: 紀錄片 製片國家/地區: 美國 語言: 英語 上映日期: 2007 ...
Nov,02 2011 In Theaters
這部紀錄片將呈現邁克爾最親密朋友和家人口中的故事,鋪開公開和私人的回憶,並將首度公開部分前所未見的家庭照片和演出視訊。這部電影也將關注邁克爾人生中最困難的時期,包括因為孌童案而被捕和接受審判,以及2005年的審判是怎樣影響了他和家人的生活。 ...
Jul,01 2009 In Theaters