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May,28 2015 In Theaters
Schneider, a hit man, gets a call from Mertens on the morning of his birthday. He has a rush job for Schneider who refuses it, because it is his birthday and he has promised Lucy, ...
Mar,25 2013 In Theaters
本片講述了一個聖經並沒有敘述的救贖故事。在拉格奎斯特(1891-1974, 瑞典小說家、詩人、劇作家, 曾獲1951年諾貝爾文學獎)寫的延續故事中,當眾人在彼拉多面前選擇釋放被判了釘十字架的罪犯巴拉巴,而不是拿撒勒的耶穌,事件的變化改變了巴拉巴,因此踏上了生命的新徵途。但他隨後被逮捕並被送往奴隸營處死,他最終還是逃了出來並明白了這是上帝對他命運的安排。——b...
Aug,31 2007 In Theaters
Paris, August: Driven by his lust, Richard O. explores the sinuous mysteries of eroticism and the women who populate the summer months.
Feb,01 2017 In Theaters
In a small economically depressed southern town, a gifted young painter with a rare skin disorder must live his life at night. When a tormented young woman being chased by her own ...
Jan,01 2010 In Theaters
In this authentic portrait of teenaged self-discovery, recently-dumped seventeen-year-old Lina and free spirit Leco travel to visit Lina's extended family in the quirky town of Mod...
Sep,07 1962 In Theaters
A retelling of the Greek myth of Phaedra. In modern Greece, Alexis's father, an extremely wealthy shipping magnate, marries the younger, fiery Phaedra. When Alexis meets his stepmo...
Jul,06 1972 In Theaters
威拉德是一個性格孤僻內向,不善與人溝通的小公司職員,家門外的生活對他來說只能是一團糟.反映遲鈍,笨手笨腳,使他成為公司同事們的笑柄.儘管偶爾可以換來女士憐憫的眼光,但老闆與同事們的嘲笑和排擠已將威拉德與社會愈推愈遠.如此殘酷的生活現實令威拉德更為珍惜自己唯一的'朋友'--兩隻智力過人分別名叫本和蘇格拉底的老鼠. ...
Jan,01 2020 In Theaters
Jan,01 1990 In Theaters
導演: Michal Vinik 編劇: Michal Vinik 主演: Reut Akkerman / Dvir Benedek / Koral Bosidon 型別: 劇情 製片國家/地區: 以色列 語言: 希伯來語 / 阿拉伯語 ...
Jun,09 2011 In Theaters
Nadir has to take his father's old taxi from Amsterdam to his uncle who lives in Rabat, Morocco. He takes his two friends Zakaria and Abdel with him, and together they drive throug...
Dec,13 1955 In Theaters
本片根據莎士比亞戲劇改編,由出演過Rebbaca,Wuthering Heights,導演過Hamlet的英國明星Laurence Olivier(勞倫斯奧利弗)導演的黑白電影。
Sep,19 1973 In Theaters
劇情梗概:描寫查理成功地搶劫了新墨西哥的銀行,但在搶劫過程中遇到了許多意想不到的事,且這筆錢是黑手黨準備搶劫的,這樣他就成了警方和黑手黨的共同敵人。最後他憑聰明才智將黑手黨炸死,並擺脫警方攜帶贓款溜掉了。 大盜查理準備實施一次搶劫:新墨西哥銀行。...
May,06 2016 In Theaters
Charlie is a troublesome 18-year-old who breaks out of a youth drug treatment clinic, but when he returns home to Los Angeles, he's given an intervention by his parents and forced ...
Jan,21 2013 In Theaters
Nov,19 2021 In Theaters
Mar,16 2010 In Theaters
Jan,01 1941 In Theaters
A young and idealistic woman, who has adopted the Salvation Army and whose father is an armament industrialist, will save more souls directing her father's business. A comedy with ...
Sep,26 1968 In Theaters
《沙拉克 Shalako》 十九世紀末,一夥龐大的隊伍來到西部的新墨西哥城。這一夥沒落的歐洲貴族來這裡的目的是狩獵。隊伍停留在當地的阿帕奇印第安部落中宿營,起初他們受到阿帕奇人的盛情款待,哪知道後來他們觸犯了當地人民,阿帕奇人要把他們處死。隊伍中的領頭人伯爵夫人埃瑞娜(碧姬.巴鐸飾)決定率領自己的隊伍和這裡的阿帕奇部落展開了反擊…&hel...
May,21 1937 In Theaters
Apr,27 2007 In Theaters
The Education of Charlie Banks is a coming of age tale that spans from the playgrounds of lower Manhattan to the idyllic greens of a fictional liberal arts college in upstate New Y...