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Jul,10 2009 In Theaters
The film chronicles George's adventures as he befriends Kayla, a baby elephant, at a magic circus show and helps her travel across the country to be reunited with her family. Accom...
Jun,12 1959 In Theaters
榮獲第12屆戛納國際電影節金棕櫚大獎 第32屆奧斯卡金像獎最佳外語片獎 金球獎最佳外語片獎 電車司機歐費善彈吉它,又有一副好歌喉。在狂歡節前夕,...
Dec,02 2017 In Theaters
成為不朽,然後死去。 梅爾維爾百年誕辰 4K數位修復完整呈現 冷峻簡約硬漢電影 開創影史黑幫電影美學   向大師致敬 沉默之海 驚人第一部 亞蘭德倫 楊波貝蒙 裡諾範杜拉 他與他的男人們   【影片介紹】   沉默之海The Silence of the Sea 尚皮耶梅爾維爾Jean-Pierre MELVILLE 霍華德維儂Howard VERNON、妮...
Feb,24 2017 In Theaters
Maradona. Pelé. Best. Northern Ireland's legendary star remains one of the most naturally gifted footballers there has ever been. Famously called the 'best player in the world' by ...
Jan,01 2005 In Theaters
Spring 2001... A civil war is raging in Macedonia... Trendafil Karanfilov is fleeing his home-town to avoid joining the loc...
Aug,06 1992 In Theaters
成長在黑社會街區的亞飛(梁朝偉 飾)與阿基(張學友 飾)有著超過二十年的友情,胸懷黑社會之夢的二人平日卻只是混事度日:砍人時臨陣脫逃、從老大屍體上偷金錶這些事他們做來毫不臉紅,亞飛與阿基二人有著剋死老大的神奇特質,他們的每一任老大下場都極其悽慘,盡數死於江湖大佬關公(湯鎮業 飾)之手,一時間,二人“老大剋星”的名頭響徹江湖,連好友波哥(曾志偉 飾)也不敢收留...
Jul,24 1972 In Theaters
導演: Howard Smith (II) / 莎娜 嘉羅菁 (Sarah Kernochan) 主演: 瑪喬葛特納 型別: 紀錄片 / 傳記 製片國家/地區: 美國 語言: 英語 上映日期: 1972-07-24 片長: 88...
Aug,12 2016 In Theaters
Josh treats what would have been his bachelor party as an opportunity to reconnect with his friends.
Jan,01 2004 In Theaters
[Friends老友記/六人行]後的Joey在LA的單飛篇,期待紐約老友們的來訪。 揮手作別相伴十載的“Friends”,Joey也告別在紐約成家立業的老友們,來到陽光燦爛的洛杉磯繼續追逐他的明星夢。LA住著他的姐姐Gina,一比特火辣性感、容易興奮的美髮師,同時也是一比特未婚母親,她的天才兒子,20歲Michael,是一比特研究火箭科學的研究生,由於無法繼...
Jul,10 2012 In Theaters
In the past few years, American actress Eliza Dushku, who is of mixed Danish and Albanian ancestry, has become passionately interested in and connected to the country of her father...
Feb,21 2009 In Theaters
Jul,16 2015 In Theaters
Many of the original actors will be reprising their roles as the Iconic acquaintances to the perpetual underdog of the films Namesake. According to Spade this film will be aired Di...
Jun,21 2012 In Theaters
He pitched to Willie Mays, suited up for the Celtics, stepped into the ring with Archie Moore and even took a few snaps as quarterback for the Detroit Lions. But George Plimpton wa...
Jan,17 2013 In Theaters
“Jo” presents Hollywood superstar Jean Reno as Jo St-Clair, a veteran detective in Paris’ elite Criminal Brigade tackling the city’s most challenging murder cases. ...
Sep,27 2013 In Theaters
Nov,24 1968 In Theaters
Aug,13 2008 In Theaters
Apr,01 2017 In Theaters
The turbulent life of soul and blues singer, the late Joe Cocker. A former gas fitter from Sheffield , catapulted to world stardom in 1969 at Woodstock with his legendary performan...
Jan,29 2014 In Theaters
Nick 的兄弟在他九歲那年離奇失蹤,嫌疑人卻被很快釋放。 許多年後,Nick成為一名警探,負責調查一樁離奇案件。一個三口之家的生活突然被人打破,兒子慘遭不幸,然而受害者的父母卻沉默不言,所有的矛頭都指向了兒子的父親。Nick負責調查此案,隨著案件深入,出現了更多的受害 者,案件撲朔迷離,陷入僵局。與此同時,Nick關於往昔的記憶也逐漸浮上心頭……
Aug,19 2006 In Theaters
Jake Singer is at loose ends in NYC, and neck deep in psychoanalysis with the outrageous Dr. Morales when he meets the enigmatic and beautiful widow Allegra Marshall.