Search 凱莉普里斯頓 result, Total 1749 (take 0.001670 seconds).

Sep,02 2012 In Theaters
Jun,06 2012 In Theaters
2012/6/6(三)早場起 探索人類起源 可能自取滅亡 今年暑假,叱吒好萊塢多年並以產量與質量備受肯定與尊重的大導演雷利史考特,回歸由他立下典範的科幻動作冒險型別,即將打造一部具史詩氣勢的現代神話《普羅米修斯》,以高質感3D帶領觀眾經歷一場壯闊的探險! 一群探險家進行太空探測時,發現了地球人類起源的線索,進而引領他們直探宇宙最黑暗的角落。為了整體人類未來的...
Jul,22 2013 In Theaters
pringsteen & I is an upcoming documentary-biographical film directed by Baillie Walsh documenting the life and career of Bruce Springsteen through the eyes and insights of his fans...
Sep,16 2013 In Theaters
Sep,19 2014 In Theaters
《極樂堡壘》中,莫娜漢飾演的瑪吉是一位戰功卓著的美軍醫務兵,同時也是一位單身母親。她在阿富汗服役15個月後歸來,卻發現五歲的兒子幾乎不認識自己,反而與前夫和他的新女友更加親近。 就在她接回兒子,慢慢重新建立起親情的紐帶,逐漸適應戰地之外的日常生活,還與一位機械師發生浪漫戀情的時候,戰事又...
Aug,08 2003 In Theaters
本片講述了印度超人克里斯的父親的傳奇經歷。本來膽小懦弱的羅西特偶然與遺落在地球的外星人賈都締結下深厚的友情,賈都把自己的一身特異功能傳給了羅西特並幫助他成為所向披靡的超人... ... 如果說《印度超人》是向超人叫板的話,此前傳倒有幾分向ET致敬的味道。
May,10 2013 In Theaters
Oct,06 1939 In Theaters
Jul,11 2005 In Theaters
上映日期: 2005-07-11 IMDb連結: tt0461688
Jan,01 2019 In Theaters
Jan,01 1988 In Theaters
A black and white, fantasy-like recreation of high-society gay men during the Harlem Renaissance, with archival footage and photographs intercut with a story. A wake is going on, w...
Jun,08 2012 In Theaters
Jan,01 1979 In Theaters
Description: Biographical movie about the King
Sep,20 1964 In Theaters
Lilith is a about a mysterious young woman in an elite sanitarium in New England, who seems to weave a magical spell all around her. A restless, but sincere young man with an equal...
Jun,21 2012 In Theaters
He pitched to Willie Mays, suited up for the Celtics, stepped into the ring with Archie Moore and even took a few snaps as quarterback for the Detroit Lions. But George Plimpton wa...
Oct,16 1977 In Theaters
Jan,23 2017 In Theaters
Brigsby Bear是一部由Dave McCary執導的2017年美國喜劇電影,由導演首演,由The Lonely Island和3311 Productions製作。 從小就被綁架的詹姆斯,被養父母關在一個與世隔絕的地方,詹姆斯從小就只看過一個兒童電視劇,就是養父母給他拍的《布里斯比熊》。後來詹姆斯被解救出來,回到親生父母的家裡,他的生活也發生了...
Jan,01 1972 In Theaters
The moon rises at a predestined angle and awakens the sleeping Dr. Phibes in 1928, three years after the events of the previous movie. To his dismay, he finds that his house has be...
Jul,10 1969 In Theaters
Dark satire in which the token black man on the executive board of an advertising firm is accidentally put in charge. Renaming the business "Truth and Soul, Inc.", he replaces the ...
Jun,23 2017 In Theaters