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Jan,01 2014 In Theaters
Two estranged 20-something siblings find themselves living together once again in their parents' Minnesota home, where they discover home movies they made together as kids. After w...
Mar,18 2016 In Theaters
After surviving a near-death experience, a teenager discovers that she's become a channel for an evil spirit's entry into her life.
Jan,01 2014 In Theaters
Get ready to view some of the most gorgeous tulips you've ever seen. Enjoy 40 photographs that display and change every 30 seconds, while listening to relaxing cinema/classical mus...
Jan,01 2014 In Theaters
Enjoy 40 minutes of Florida coastline, from Ft. Meyers all the way up to Destin, Florida. The first 20 minutes contain smooth jazz music; the last 20 minutes you will hear natural ...
Jan,01 1990 In Theaters
Jan,01 2014 In Theaters
Get ready to view some of the most amazing pictures that were created naturally from the caves in Antelope Valley. This area is on Navajo land, and to some of the older Navajos, en...
Jan,01 2016 In Theaters
. 다이슨의 진공청소기 DC07은 먼지와 청결을 향한 욕망이 도사리는 가정의 중심에 자리하고 있다. (2017년 제18회 전주국제영화제)
Jan,01 1990 In Theaters
A host of great comic talents, on stage and in sketches, gather together at London's O2 Arena to play to an audience of 16,000 in aid of the charity Great Ormond Street Hospital.
Jan,01 1999 In Theaters
서기 2000년 TV 뉴스 Channel 2000 A.D.,은 1999에 발표 된 미국 1999 드라마 영화입니다,영화는 제시 윈스가 지배하고 있습니다,한국에서 1999년01월01일에 출시되었습니다. 미래세계의 뉴스는 디지털 기술을 이용한 거짓 영상의 남용으로 미디어 조작의 결정판이 될 것이라는 비판이 담겨있는 작품이다...
Jan,01 1990 In Theaters
Channel 4的記者Ramita Navai和導演Alex Nott冒著生命危險,進入幫派暴力肆虐十年之久的薩爾瓦多。他們驚人地發現,黑幫中很多的殺手是孩子,這些孩子對這樣的生活似乎已經習以為常。 The reporter and direc...
Jan,01 2009 In Theaters
由獲獎導演、作家兼製作人Frederic Lumiere利用多達上千小時的檔案和拍攝素材、從未公佈的日記、國會圖書館的錄音資料為歷史頻道History Channel製作的10集高清紀錄片透過在二戰中邂逅的一群人的眼睛,以高清彩色畫面講述了二戰的故事。 ...
Oct,28 2010 In Theaters
【內容介紹】 第一季的《遠古外星人》帶領我們一起探索了數千年前智慧生命蒞臨地球的問題,提出了人類歷史程序是否受到外星人的影響等問題。在第一季中,我們欣賞了遠古洞穴壁畫中奇異的生物,看到了祕魯的飛機跑道遺蹟,領略了印第安文字中所描述的“神的飛行器”...
Jan,01 1990 In Theaters
中文名: 歷史頻道:列車之旅 第一季 英文名: History Channel:Extreme Trains season 1 資源...
Jan,01 1990 In Theaters
大眾印象中的情報員,光鮮而有魅力,這多半是受到螢幕傳奇-詹姆士龐德的影響:伴隨著美豔女郎、豪華的生活方式,007探員為觀眾帶來替代性的滿足。 但在真實的世界裡,情報員的生活並非如此…。 Discovery Channel將與您一同揭開情報員的神祕面紗。 ...
Jan,01 1990 In Theaters
本片中觀眾將通過高速攝像機瞭解驚人的動物和昆蟲世界,以及捕食者和獵物的生死鬥爭。 The Speed of Life Discovery Channel show is a brand new series, specializing in hi...
Jul,29 2010 In Theaters
歷史頻道最新系列紀錄片《宇宙》囊括了宇宙的一切,從黑洞到我們的太陽,從未探索的太空到可能存在生命的星球... 《宇宙》這個專題已經被N多機構做過N多遍了,但歷史頻道做的非常出色,在講述人類探索宇宙的歷史故事的時候,嚴謹詳實地敘說了人類對宇宙的不懈探索,同時將已經瞭解和尚未了解的宇宙奧祕一...
Jan,01 1990 In Theaters
Jan,01 2008 In Theaters