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May,22 2013 In Theaters
儘管25歲的Grigris(Souleymane Deme 飾)因腿部癱瘓而前途暗淡,仍夢想成為舞蹈家。當他的叔叔患重病時,他的夢想完全破滅。為了救叔叔,他決定替石油走私販工作…… Screenshots: _/_               : _____)  (____   .       ______...
Mar,26 2010 In Theaters
2010年的美國喜劇劇情片,由諾亞·鮑姆巴赫執導,班·史提勒等主演。 此外班·史提勒為此戲特別瘦身15磅。 弗洛倫斯·馬爾(格蕾塔·葛韋格 Greta Gerwig飾),一位低調的格林伯格家族私人女助理。羅傑·格林伯格(本·斯蒂勒 Ben Stiller飾...
Apr,29 2008 In Theaters
Berkeley is the story of Ben Sweet, an eighteen year old boy who comes to UC Berkeley in 1968 to study accounting and avoid the draft. There begins an odyssey through sex, drugs, r...
Jan,01 1990 In Theaters
At the age of 34, Steve Gleason, former NFL defensive back and New Orleans hero, was diagnosed with ALS. Doctors gave him two to five years to live. So that is what Steve chose to ...
Jan,01 2011 In Theaters
Dec,06 1998 In Theaters
Jul,13 2018 In Theaters
May,19 2015 In Theaters
Julien et Marguerite de Ravalet, fils et fille du seigneur de Tourlaville, s’aiment d’un amour tendre depuis leur enfance. Mais en grandissant, leur tendresse se mue en passion dév...
Oct,07 2017 In Theaters
HBO將打造史蒂文·斯皮爾伯格紀錄片《斯皮爾伯格》。該紀錄片由蘇珊娜·萊西執導。紀錄片對準斯皮爾伯格數十年電影拍攝經歷,於此同時還展現其《大白鯊》《奪寶奇兵》《E.T. 外星人》等佳作的幕後花絮。J·J·艾布拉姆斯、克里斯蒂安·貝爾、德魯·巴里摩爾等會出鏡。該片將於10月7日登陸HBO。
Jan,01 2009 In Theaters
Written and directed by Ernesto Diaz Espinoza, the film stars Marko Zaror as ” a young hitman who will not relent until he has exacted bloody revenge on the man who killed his moth...
Aug,13 1981 In Theaters
《加里波利 Gallipoli》是1981年由彼得•威爾( Peter Weir)執導的澳大利亞戰爭 戲劇電影,由梅爾•吉布森( Mark Gibson)和馬克•李( Mark Lee)主演,帕特里夏•洛弗( Patricia Lovell)和羅伯特&bull...
Sep,01 2017 In Theaters
影片講述生活在加州北部城市,薩克拉門託的女孩Christine高三時親情,友情與愛情的故事。Christine為自己取名伯德小姐,一心想要離開加州去往東部讀書。然而本不寬裕的家庭又逢父親失業,更是雪上加霜。伯德小姐繼承了母親的強硬性格,和母親在生活的各方面發生衝突,但兩 人在內心深處卻又緊密相連。升入高三的伯德小姐在參演學校音樂劇時對劇組的男主演暗生情愫……...
Aug,28 1961 In Theaters
長年在修女會中修行的維莉蒂安娜(Silvia Pinal 飾)即將立誓歸宗,嬤嬤建議她在儀式前探望資助人叔叔海麥,維莉蒂安娜前往叔叔在鄉間的大宅,豈料海麥因她酷似自己妻子而動情,維莉蒂安娜短暫停留後即將返回修女會,在動身的前夜,海麥央求她穿上了妻子的婚紗並向維莉蒂安娜求婚,被拒後指使女僕用藥麻醉了她。第二天海麥自殺身亡,維莉蒂安娜返回大宅決定留下,海麥的私生...
Jan,01 1990 In Theaters
The University of California at Berkeley, the oldest and most prestigious member of a ten campus public education system, is also one of the finest research and teaching facilities...
Sep,09 2015 In Theaters
Arianna is nineteen years old and still has not had her first menstrual cycle. Despite the fact that her breasts have become slightly enlarged, which causes her some discomfort, th...
Feb,27 2009 In Theaters
季玲(朱芷瑩 飾)在一場意外之中失去了兒子,陷入了絕望和悲痛之中無法自拔。在整理兒子的遺物時,季玲發現了一張神祕的紙條,在紙條的指引之下,季玲決定前往人間仙境香格里拉,在那裡,或許還留存著她和兒子之間的羈絆。 途中,季玲結識了名為艾利克斯(吳中天 飾)的男子,兩人結伴而行,隨著時間的推移...
Feb,14 1924 In Theaters
Jan,01 1952 In Theaters
Androcles is a Christian who follows that religion's teachings even as they apply to the treatment of animals. Seeing a lion in pain, he removes a huge thorn from the beast's paw, ...
Feb,06 2015 In Theaters