Search Hawkeye result, Total 3 (take 0.004009 seconds).

Mar,29 2016 In Theaters
Hawkeye (Clint Barton) has the day off and he just wants to waste the day messing with unimportant tasks around his apartment. That is until Hawkeye (Kate Bishop) shows up to drag ...
Jan,01 1988 In Theaters
Jan,01 2021 In Theaters
漫威影業出品的《鷹眼》全新電視影集將情景設在彈指事件之後的紐約市,復仇者聯盟成員之一的克林特巴頓身負一個簡單的使命 - 在聖誕節與家人團聚。但過去曾經交手的一個威嚇對手再度現身,鷹眼勉強地與他的超級粉絲、22歲的弓箭好手凱特畢夏普攜手合作,一同解開一樁犯罪詭計。