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Feb,11 2022 In Theaters
Shardul (Rajkummar Rao) is the only male-child born after a long line of female offspring in his family. To add to this tragedy, he is surrounded by women at work too - being the o...
Jun,14 2002 In Theaters
向來情意深厚的好鄰居卻因為兒女的私奔弄的水火不相容。27年後,自稱是安東尼和安加麗的兒子的阿加來到村子,希望可以化解親人們的矛盾。為了阻止兩邊長輩不斷給自己介紹女朋友的麻煩,阿加謊稱自己已經結婚了。 更大的麻煩出現了,一個漂亮潑辣女孩出現在阿加面前說自己就是阿加的妻子!這是怎麼回事?當一...