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Aug,05 1997 In Theaters
本片是直接以發行影音產品的方式推出上市,在美國本地所發行的版本其英文片名為【Pooh's Grand Adventure: The Search For Christopher Robin】,但是在海外所發行的版本(即美加以外地區所發行的版本),卻都採用另一英文片名【Winnie thePooh's Most Grand Adventure】。本片劇情延續【...
Sep,28 2007 In Theaters
Adapted from a story by H.P. Lovecraft. A Seattle history professor, drawn back to his estranged family on the Oregon coast to execute his late mother's estate, is reaquainted with...
Nov,25 2015 In Theaters
由20世紀福克斯公司拍攝的新版《科學怪人》,詹姆斯·麥卡沃伊出演男主角維克托-弗蘭肯斯坦,丹尼爾·雷德克里夫出演維克托的助手Igor,傑西卡·布朗·芬德利飾演女主角。影片將由保羅·麥奎根(《神探夏洛克》《天王流氓》導演)執導,Max Landis(《超能失控》編劇)負責劇本。
Jan,01 1990 In Theaters
Comment l’homme le plus riche de Russie est devenu son plus célèbre prisonnier ? Mikhail Khodorkovsky, magnat du pétrole russe emprisonné par Poutine en Sibérie depuis 2003, est of...
Jan,01 2014 In Theaters
導演: Philippe Martinez 編劇: Philippe Martinez 主演: 傑拉爾·德帕迪約 / 伊麗莎白·赫利 型別: 動作 / 驚悚 製片國家/地區: 美國 / 俄羅斯 語言: 英語 / 俄語 上映日期: 2014 ...
May,13 2010 In Theaters
某銀行話務員鄧麗嫦(何超儀 飾)自幼生長在一個平民家庭,她始終有一個情結,那就是努力賺錢買一套可以看得見大海的房子。為了這個目標,阿嫦努力工作,下班後還幹著兩份兼職,甚至和同事利用職務之便聚斂外快。眼看就要存夠豪華大廈維多利亞一號的首付,但是偏偏趕上樓市瘋漲的時候,籤合同當天房主反悔,寧可賠付違約金也不願按原價出售。為了房子而不懈努力的阿嫦遭受巨大打擊,在萬...
Feb,07 2015 In Theaters
Victoria Spick, a criminal lawyer in a total sentimental void, grudgingly accepts to defend Vincent, while she hires Sam as an au pair. The beginning of troubled times for Victori...
Aug,14 2015 In Theaters
8月7日、8月8日限量口碑場、8月14日正式上映 維多莉亞在跳舞,她甜美、無畏、講義氣。維多莉亞跟四個柏林男孩一起離開夜店,漫無目的遊蕩柏林街頭,偷些小酒只是遊戲,既然夜晚如青春無邊際。但男孩們早有其他計劃,友誼才滿一小時的維多莉亞,是否願意加入?曖昧在黎明破曉前,意外卻突如其來,瘋狂青春在性感卻危險的暗夜狂奔,讓奇遇、友誼、浪漫、瘋狂、恐懼、衝撞、甚...
Nov,23 2012 In Theaters
Jan,01 1990 In Theaters
‘Wider perspectives are needed now,’ states David Hockney, referencing both technical ways of seeing and the parameters of what we choose to view, in this spirited documentary span...
Jan,21 2017 In Theaters
On her way home for a family visit, 21-year old Lucy emerges from a Brooklyn subway to find her neighborhood under attack. Lucy decides to cross the treacherous five blocks of Bush...
Aug,10 2012 In Theaters
It's Friday in Asunción and the temperature is 40ºC. Victor, a 17 year-old barrow-boy, dreams of becoming famous and can't take his eyes off the TV set in Mercado 4. He's offered t...
Jan,01 2010 In Theaters
A woman will go to whatever lengths necessary to obtain her dream home with a view of the sea. This includes driving down the property value and decreasing the occupancy rate by ki...
Jan,01 2020 In Theaters
The young and vigorous Huo Yuanjia was only focused on "subjugating people by force", and therefore had a rift with his father and ran away from home. When he first arrived in Jinm...
Sep,04 1997 In Theaters
故事發生在1923年的倫敦,那是一個美麗的夏天,也是一戰結束後的第五個年頭,所有人都平靜且安逸地生活著。議員瑞查德的夫人克羅利薩正在為晚上即將在家中舉行的盛大舞會做著準備:光彩照人的晚禮服、豐盛的餐點、閃閃發光的銀質餐具、整潔明亮的客廳……克羅利薩將一切都佈置得井井有條,她想讓所有的人都能通過舞會獲得一分好心情,當然也以此來填補自己生活的空虛。 ...
Mar,23 2006 In Theaters
Share Husband(國際發行標題: Love For Share)是由 Nia Dinata執導的印尼戲劇電影 ,由 Jajang C. Noer, Shanty, Dominique Agisca Diyose, El Manik, Tio Pakusadewo,&nb...
Aug,04 2013 In Theaters
An evocative new 4 part drama from award-winning writer Tony Grisoni (Red Riding, The Unloved), starring Rory Kinnear (Black Mirror), Sean Harris (Prometheus), Shirley Henderson (A...
Apr,07 2011 In Theaters
《克隆丈夫 Womb》瑞貝卡(伊娃·格林 Eva Green 飾)回到了童年生活過的臨海小鎮,在那裏,住着一個她無論如何也要見到的人——兒時玩伴托馬斯(馬特·史密斯 Matt Smith 飾)。 曾經的懵懂少年如今已經成長爲男人,兩人之間迅速的產生了奇妙的化學反應。沒過多久,一場車禍奪走了托馬斯的生命...
Aug,31 2014 In Theaters
Sep,27 2013 In Theaters
曠世愛情鉅作,第五度搬上大銀幕 《維多莉亞的祕密》改編自諾貝爾文學獎得主克努特‧漢森(Knut Hamsun)經典小說,這部曠世愛情鉅作第五度被搬上大銀幕。電影講述一段跨越階級、浪漫壓抑的古典戀情。貴族維多莉亞與磨坊兒子喬漢納相戀,由於地位懸殊,加上維多莉亞同情家道中落的父親,於是被迫與富有的年輕軍官奧圖訂婚,但維多莉亞和喬漢納之間的感情如乾柴烈火,他們是...