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Oct,06 1939 In Theaters
Mar,26 2007 In Theaters
Mar,28 2014 In Theaters
這是一部講述年輕總理如何叱吒政壇以及他與女友的愛情故事. 阿比曼尤(傑奇·本格拉尼飾)原本和女友安妮塔(內哈·夏爾馬飾)在日本自由自在地生活,‘可父親因癌症過世,使他不得不回到印度,接受父親的委託進入政壇.但是大選在即,阿比曼尤遭遇麻煩不斷,年僅28歲的阿比曼尤將如何平衡女友與總理一職?...
Feb,18 2005 In Theaters
康斯坦丁(奇諾•李維斯 Keanu Reeves 飾)生來就能看出遊走在人間的惡魔與天使,這令年幼時的他十分痛苦,曾經自殺想以這種方式結束自己的痛苦。後來獲悉了上帝與撒旦之間有過協議,誰也不能直接插足人間,只能間接誘使人們選擇天堂與地獄,而自殺者不得上天堂,他便開始利用自己天賦的超能力幫助剷除人間的惡魔,以此祈求獲得一張天堂的門票。 ...
Aug,16 2016 In Theaters
In the final days of World War II, a secret experiment to weaponize sharks is shut down and destroyed by the Third Reich. But now 60 years later, a small ocean town is plagued by a...
Jan,01 2020 In Theaters
Chen Xian and Li Jia, are a couple who have been married for many years. Chen Xian, who is busy with his career, gradually neglects his family. Li Jia is understanding and supporti...
Oct,24 2007 In Theaters
Nov,23 2008 In Theaters
A look at the evolution of Albert Einstein's theory of relativity, and Einstein's relationship with British scientist Sir Arthur Eddington, the first physicist to understand his id...
Jan,01 1990 In Theaters
A documentary produced in 1979 to celebrate the centenary of the birth of Albert Einstein. Narrated and hosted by Peter Ustinov and written by Nigel Calder, the film takes place at...
Jun,21 2013 In Theaters
Mar,14 1967 In Theaters
Jan,01 1972 In Theaters
Therese, a beautiful but naive young girl, who finds herself being passed around from depraved pervert to depraved pervert, enduring just about every kind of sexual degradation the...
Oct,10 2004 In Theaters
Two hundred years after Mary Shelley's novel the brilliant but mad Doctor (Thomas Kretschmann) has sustained his creature and himself over two centuries through genetic experimenta...
Oct,09 2009 In Theaters
傑克船長、黑超人等一眾山寨英雄齊聚一堂,與美國史上最邪惡的恐怖片BOSS展開一場大對決。 惡搞還需要劇情嗎?
Mar,23 2017 In Theaters
The ground-breaking movie follows the character of Michael Diggs who comes out of prison to win the national slam-dunk competition and in the process finds redemption. ...
Nov,19 2021 In Theaters
2021 電影獨立精神獎 比虛構更真實獎提名 2021 電影之眼榮譽獎 最佳首部電影、最佳攝影提名 2020 加拿大Hot Docs國際紀錄片影展 最佳影片 2020 影評人選擇獎 最佳國際紀錄片提名 2020 阿姆斯特丹國際紀錄片影展 正式入選 2020 斯德哥爾摩影展 最佳紀錄片提名 2020 紐約紀錄片影展 正式入選 2020 翠貝卡影展 榮耀入選 &...
Mar,23 2012 In Theaters
Jan,01 1979 In Theaters
Description: Biographical movie about the King
Feb,21 2016 In Theaters
伊斯坦布林的貓並不能簡單歸類為我們平日所見的家貓或流浪貓,它們自由地出入於人類的生活,親密但又保有自由,介乎於野生與馴養之間。在伊斯坦布林,這樣的貓成千上萬只,它們以這樣的方式和伊斯坦布林共生了數千年。伊斯坦布林人愛貓,許多人都有自己和貓之間獨特的故事,與其說是貓依賴人 ,不如說是人依賴著與貓之間的親密與羈絆,有人覺得貓是自己和上帝之間的橋樑,有人覺得貓是自...