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Mar,19 2021 In Theaters
《愛・殺 Wrath Of Desire》入選澳洲布里斯本同志影展 入選大阪亞洲電影節 Taiwan:Movies on the Move 2021 section 單元 入選2020年愛沙尼亞塔林黑夜影展。 【Rebels With A Cause】競賽單元 導演周美玲2019年獲邀爲臺灣第三位奧斯卡美國影藝學院會員 本片獲第八屆拍臺北電影劇本獎銅劇...
Mar,19 2021 In Theaters
入選澳洲布里斯本同志影展 入選大阪亞洲電影節 Taiwan:Movies on the Move 2021 section 單元 入選2020年愛沙尼亞塔林黑夜影展【Rebels With A Cause】競賽單元 導演周美玲2019年獲邀爲臺灣第三位奧斯卡美國影藝學院會員 本片獲第八屆拍臺北電影劇本獎銅劇本獎 導演周美玲曾以《刺青》拿下臺灣第一座柏林影展泰...
Jan,01 1981 In Theaters
                          在舊金山唸書的Joy(劉天蘭)想隨男友Louie(秦祥林)去紐約,可是Louie並不愛她,兩人商量無果,Joy鬧自殺,將Louie羈絆,但此舉亦令Louie增多與Joy的室友Lvy(林青霞)相處的機會。Louie對Lvy的愛意雖未挑明,疑神疑鬼的Joy卻早猜出八分,Lvy被她暗自視作敵人。         ...
Jan,01 1993 In Theaters
Note : Not to be confused with the movie of the same name which stars Michael Wong and Ellen Chan. May Lin mourns her husband, who was killed by gangsters after she and he had an a...
Jan,01 2022 In Theaters
Jan,01 2016 In Theaters
Jan,01 1981 In Theaters
The boyfriend of a young co-ed turns into a demented stalker after his sister's suicide.
Jan,01 1990 In Theaters
導演: Jonathan Neil Dixon 編劇: Jonathan Neil Dixon 主演: Louise Janelle Bartlett / Bianca Bradey / Jazz Cohn 型別: 驚悚 製片國家/地區: 澳大利亞 語言: 英語...
May,06 2021 In Theaters
Guy Ritchie (Director) and Jason Statham reunite for a new, heart pounding action thriller. A mysterious and wild-eyed new cash truck security guard (Jason Statham) surprises his c...
Oct,30 2013 In Theaters
Back in his high school days, Joon-Seok (Joo Sang-Wook) was bullied by Chang-Sik (Yang Dong-Geun). Because of this, Joon-Seok's high school days were like a nightmare. Now, Joon-Se...
Jan,01 2000 In Theaters
A man how get involved in an international business deceit crime flees back to China. He Meets his puppy lover who has a miserable marriage.However,he is being investigated by Chin...
Sep,14 2018 In Theaters
「麗茲波頓」是美國史上震驚血案之一,發生於1892年麻州的真人實事。麗茲波頓是當時持斧弒親的關鍵人物,她先以斧頭砍殺母親19下,直到母親頭顱與身體快要分離時,才清理現場,待父親返家後砍殺父親,最後向人大呼自己家人遭人砍殺。當時她因為能得到龐大遺產而被列為嫌疑人,卻經審判後因她柔弱的形象、證據不足,最後以無罪開釋,成為美國世紀懸案。 卡司《暮光之城》克莉...
Jan,01 2020 In Theaters
鄭人碩、邱偲琹主演,對未來不抱期待的泡麵,與六從平淡的性交易關係,逐漸發展出一段刻骨銘心的愛情,因慾望點燃了希望,兩人最終能否走出生命的困境…? 相慾之後,我們相愛… 六(鄭人碩 飾)是位靠販售愛心商品維生的身障人士,生活大小事都需倚賴父親(喜翔 飾)幫忙,從未談過戀愛的他,對於性有著無限的憧憬與幻想,在大樓保全文哥(鄭志偉 飾)的引介下,六認識了一個沉默的...
Jan,01 2012 In Theaters
Oct,30 2013 In Theaters
Jun,09 2021 In Theaters
"캐시트럭"(영어: Wrath of Man)은 2021년 개봉한 액션 스릴러 영화이다. 가이 리치가 감독과 공동 각본을 맡았으며, 2004년 프랑스 영화 《캐시 트럭》를 리메이크한 작품이다.
Mar,15 1940 In Theaters
Oct,10 2015 In Theaters
A 90-year-old Jewish woman reflects on her life experiences as she prepares to try bacon for the first time.
May,01 2015 In Theaters
When hell rises... One man will go to war for the survival of the humanity!
Sep,24 2013 In Theaters
In the 1930s , a Japanese cult called The Temple of Hades was ordered to cooperate with the Japanese military to destroy China. They buy so many young children from poor family , w...