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Apr,27 2007 In Theaters
The Education of Charlie Banks is a coming of age tale that spans from the playgrounds of lower Manhattan to the idyllic greens of a fictional liberal arts college in upstate New Y...
Jan,01 1990 In Theaters
Ben Banks is the Forrest Gump of the slacker generation. He's a young man without much drive or ambition, who stumbles into a series of strange and fascinating (mis)adventures. Whe...
Jan,01 1990 In Theaters
Internationally known graffiti artist, Banksy, left his mark on San Francisco in April 2010. Little did he know that this act of vandalism would spark a chain of events that includ...
Sep,28 2001 In Theaters
懂得享受愛,才是真正的生活! 風情萬種的豔舞女郎性感出擊! 查德妮是窮人家的女兒,在一次參加一個姐妹的婚禮中認識羅布特,他是貴族有錢人家的兒子,他對查德妮一見鍾情並被她的美麗與氣質深深吸引,兩個相愛了,但他們的相愛遭...
Nov,12 2014 In Theaters
這部78分鐘的紀錄片由Michael Dunaway和Tara Wood聯合編劇、導演,以理查德·林克萊特這位藝術家21年的職業生涯為主要線索,採用了真人講述與動畫場景相結合的表現手法。值得關注的是,該片邀請了伊桑·霍克、朱麗·德爾比、基努·裡維斯、馬修·麥康納、扎克·埃夫隆 、比利·鮑伯·鬆頓、傑克·布萊克、凱文·史密斯、馬克·杜普拉斯、賈森·雷特曼等等很...
Jan,01 1990 In Theaters
型別: 劇情 官方網站: 製片國家/地區: 加拿大 語言: 英語 片長: 99分鐘 IMDb連結: tt1874451
Aug,31 2007 In Theaters
Paris, August: Driven by his lust, Richard O. explores the sinuous mysteries of eroticism and the women who populate the summer months.
May,10 2012 In Theaters
此條目為國內上映合集條目,上下集條目分別為: 賽德克·巴萊(上)太陽旗 賽德克·巴萊(下)彩虹橋 http://movie.doub...
May,28 2015 In Theaters
Schneider, a hit man, gets a call from Mertens on the morning of his birthday. He has a rush job for Schneider who refuses it, because it is his birthday and he has promised Lucy, ...
Mar,26 1970 In Theaters
Nov,14 2014 In Theaters
Sep,27 2010 In Theaters
In January 2010, author Peter Robinson announced that he had signed a joint deal with Left Bank Pictures and ITV to adapt novels from the Detective Chief Inspector Alan Banks serie...
Jan,22 1987 In Theaters
著名作家、冒險家衛斯理(許冠傑 飾)在埃及遊歷時,受到了大富翁霍普的請託,後者請衛斯理尋找他的師兄高大威(泰迪羅賓 飾)。衛斯理在收到高大威主動寄來的信件後,趕赴尼泊爾與其匯合。高大威其時正為青幫龍頭白奇偉(狄龍 飾)尋找傳說中的喜馬拉雅龍珠,眼看成功在即卻身陷“邪教”的追殺中,衛斯理幫助高大威潛入宗教內部奪得龍珠,在撤出時飛機失事高大威不知所蹤,逃跑失敗的...
Apr,04 2014 In Theaters
影片講述了美國著名的社會活動家凱薩·查維斯(Cesar E Chavez)的生平故事。他是墨西哥裔的美國勞工運動者,聯合農場工人聯盟的領袖。二十世紀時,他為了給農場季節工人(migrant farm workers:為找工作四處遷徙的人)爭取更好的權利和公平的工資而四處奔走,最終取得了全國人民的同情與支援。導演迭戈·魯納表示,不僅在農場工人的世界裡,在世界各...
Dec,13 1955 In Theaters
本片根據莎士比亞戲劇改編,由出演過Rebbaca,Wuthering Heights,導演過Hamlet的英國明星Laurence Olivier(勞倫斯奧利弗)導演的黑白電影。
Sep,19 1973 In Theaters
劇情梗概:描寫查理成功地搶劫了新墨西哥的銀行,但在搶劫過程中遇到了許多意想不到的事,且這筆錢是黑手黨準備搶劫的,這樣他就成了警方和黑手黨的共同敵人。最後他憑聰明才智將黑手黨炸死,並擺脫警方攜帶贓款溜掉了。 大盜查理準備實施一次搶劫:新墨西哥銀行。...
May,06 2016 In Theaters
Charlie is a troublesome 18-year-old who breaks out of a youth drug treatment clinic, but when he returns home to Los Angeles, he's given an intervention by his parents and forced ...
Jan,21 2013 In Theaters
Nov,19 2021 In Theaters
Oct,19 2012 In Theaters
亞歷克斯·克羅斯(Alex Cross)是一部由羅伯·科恩(Rob Cohen)執導的2012年美國動作驚悚片,主演是泰勒·派瑞(Tyler Perry)擔任主角,馬修·福克斯(Matthew Fox)擔任反派畢加索。改編劇本由馬克·莫斯(Marc Moss)和克里·威廉姆森...