Search Speed Bob result, Total 81 (take 0.001693 seconds).

4 years ago
ludicrous speed~plain yogurt~megamaid, oh yeah
3 years ago
Diane Lane! Nowhere Fast!! Godspeed! Godspeed! Godspeed! Speed us away! ('-^*)/
4 years ago
수백대의 감시카메라가 영화의 재미를 더하고 주연배우들의 speed 하고 탄탄한 연기 . 쫓고 쫓기는 베테랑 배우들의 긴장감 . 수십번봐도 지루하지않네요 .
3 years ago
2 years ago
ASPS(Advanced Sleep Phase Syndrome)/the older we are, the slower our internal clock get. so things seem to speed up/older people forget the negative things while the young people t...
2 years ago
ASPS(Advanced Sleep Phase Syndrome)/the older we are, the slower our internal clock get. so things seem to speed up/older people forget the negative things while the young people t...
2 years ago
ASPS(Advanced Sleep Phase Syndrome)/the older we are, the slower our internal clock get. so things seem to speed up/older people forget the negative things while the young people t...
2 years ago
ASPS(Advanced Sleep Phase Syndrome)/the older we are, the slower our internal clock get. so things seem to speed up/older people forget the negative things while the young people t...
2 years ago
ASPS(Advanced Sleep Phase Syndrome)/the older we are, the slower our internal clock get. so things seem to speed up/older people forget the negative things while the young people t...
2 years ago
ASPS(Advanced Sleep Phase Syndrome)/the older we are, the slower our internal clock get. so things seem to speed up/older people forget the negative things while the young people t...
2 years ago
ASPS(Advanced Sleep Phase Syndrome)/the older we are, the slower our internal clock get. so things seem to speed up/older people forget the negative things while the young people t...
2 years ago
ASPS(Advanced Sleep Phase Syndrome)/the older we are, the slower our internal clock get. so things seem to speed up/older people forget the negative things while the young people t...
2 years ago
ASPS(Advanced Sleep Phase Syndrome)/the older we are, the slower our internal clock get. so things seem to speed up/older people forget the negative things while the young people t...
2 years ago
ASPS(Advanced Sleep Phase Syndrome)/the older we are, the slower our internal clock get. so things seem to speed up/older people forget the negative things while the young people t...
2 years ago
其實特別像1994年的Speed,那時的警匪片是90年代event movie的標準模版。時過境遷,在當下定義動作片時,觀眾的胃口早就被吊高:只要不是漫威和IP作品,一律歸類為B級片。這樣的電影以後應該只有流媒體上看到了,且看且珍惜。
2 years ago
其實特別像1994年的Speed,那時的警匪片是90年代event movie的標準模版。時過境遷,在當下定義動作片時,觀眾的胃口早就被吊高:只要不是漫威和IP作品,一律歸類為B級片。這樣的電影以後應該只有流媒體上看到了,且看且珍惜。
2 years ago
其實特別像1994年的Speed,那時的警匪片是90年代event movie的標準模版。時過境遷,在當下定義動作片時,觀眾的胃口早就被吊高:只要不是漫威和IP作品,一律歸類為B級片。這樣的電影以後應該只有流媒體上看到了,且看且珍惜。
5 months ago
そこそこ面白く、テンポも良く最後まで飽きずに観れました。 古い映画になるけど、全体的な味付けは、ちょっと「ダイハード」や「SPEED」に似た感じでした。 本作もダイハードのような「ツイテいない人(事件に巻き込まれる人)」としてのシリーズ化も視野に入れているのかな。 今回、英題が「PLANE(飛行機)」にて次作は「SHIP(船)」とかでしょうかw こなると流...
5 years ago
這部電影是必看的。這部電影很聰明,充滿啟發性和鼓舞人心。 Speed Sisters讓我們一睹成為速度姐妹團隊中女性的感受,但故事情節更是如此。你會受到啟發,你會有一個最喜歡的妹妹,但希望你能看到這部電影並對這種文化有更深的了解,如果你像我一樣,發現你可能不了解你的信念。
5 years ago
這部電影是必看的。這部電影很聰明,充滿啟發性和鼓舞人心。 Speed Sisters讓我們一睹成為速度姐妹團隊中女性的感受,但故事情節更是如此。你會受到啟發,你會有一個最喜歡的妹妹,但希望你能看到這部電影並對這種文化有更深的了解,如果你像我一樣,發現你可能不了解你的信念。