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Sophia review on Fragmented.

5 years ago
“Mulholland Drive”和“Memento”的角落髮生了撞車事故。雖然沒有報導死亡事件,但它留下了一些“碎片化”。
2 years ago
ASPS(Advanced Sleep Phase Syndrome)/the older we are, the slower our internal clock get. so things seem to speed up/older people forget the negative things while the young people t...
2 years ago
ASPS(Advanced Sleep Phase Syndrome)/the older we are, the slower our internal clock get. so things seem to speed up/older people forget the negative things while the young people t...
2 years ago
ASPS(Advanced Sleep Phase Syndrome)/the older we are, the slower our internal clock get. so things seem to speed up/older people forget the negative things while the young people t...
2 years ago
ASPS(Advanced Sleep Phase Syndrome)/the older we are, the slower our internal clock get. so things seem to speed up/older people forget the negative things while the young people t...
2 years ago
ASPS(Advanced Sleep Phase Syndrome)/the older we are, the slower our internal clock get. so things seem to speed up/older people forget the negative things while the young people t...
2 years ago
ASPS(Advanced Sleep Phase Syndrome)/the older we are, the slower our internal clock get. so things seem to speed up/older people forget the negative things while the young people t...
2 years ago
ASPS(Advanced Sleep Phase Syndrome)/the older we are, the slower our internal clock get. so things seem to speed up/older people forget the negative things while the young people t...
2 years ago
ASPS(Advanced Sleep Phase Syndrome)/the older we are, the slower our internal clock get. so things seem to speed up/older people forget the negative things while the young people t...
2 years ago
ASPS(Advanced Sleep Phase Syndrome)/the older we are, the slower our internal clock get. so things seem to speed up/older people forget the negative things while the young people t...
2 years ago
ASPS(Advanced Sleep Phase Syndrome)/the older we are, the slower our internal clock get. so things seem to speed up/older people forget the negative things while the young people t...
2 years ago
NYFF首映!!!我太開心我最後買到票了, 因為實在是太好看啦!!!就像看Memento的感覺一樣,我感到我再次看到了電影的進步,不管是spiritual上的還是technique上的~Mr. Parker最後那一頓、那個神奇的floating island、望向海底那一眼、美爆了的夜晚的海面…好多好多經典!眼淚嘩嘩的~李安打通任督二脈了啊!
5 years ago
WOWI喜歡這部電影。鑑於我是一個獨立電影愛好者,享受奇怪的情節或倒退的電影和心理驚悚片......這部電影起初很慢,我不確定我是否會在前15分鐘停止它。但最後我非常喜歡這些角色SOOO並且想要更多。然而,一個快速的谷歌搜索顯示董事是新的,沒有別的,也沒有演員...... =( 如果這部獲獎影片出現任何問題,那就是時間表。它從頭到尾跳躍,然後做了很多中間,...
5 years ago
WOWI喜歡這部電影。鑑於我是一個獨立電影愛好者,享受奇怪的情節或倒退的電影和心理驚悚片......這部電影起初很慢,我不確定我是否會在前15分鐘停止它。但最後我非常喜歡這些角色SOOO並且想要更多。然而,一個快速的谷歌搜索顯示董事是新的,沒有別的,也沒有演員...... =( 如果這部獲獎影片出現任何問題,那就是時間表。它從頭到尾跳躍,然後做了很多中間,...
5 years ago
WOWI喜歡這部電影。鑑於我是一個獨立電影愛好者,享受奇怪的情節或倒退的電影和心理驚悚片......這部電影起初很慢,我不確定我是否會在前15分鐘停止它。但最後我非常喜歡這些角色SOOO並且想要更多。然而,一個快速的谷歌搜索顯示董事是新的,沒有別的,也沒有演員...... =( 如果這部獲獎影片出現任何問題,那就是時間表。它從頭到尾跳躍,然後做了很多中間,...
5 years ago
WOWI喜歡這部電影。鑑於我是一個獨立電影愛好者,享受奇怪的情節或倒退的電影和心理驚悚片......這部電影起初很慢,我不確定我是否會在前15分鐘停止它。但最後我非常喜歡這些角色SOOO並且想要更多。然而,一個快速的谷歌搜索顯示董事是新的,沒有別的,也沒有演員...... =( 如果這部獲獎影片出現任何問題,那就是時間表。它從頭到尾跳躍,然後做了很多中間,...
5 years ago
WOWI喜歡這部電影。鑑於我是一個獨立電影愛好者,享受奇怪的情節或倒退的電影和心理驚悚片......這部電影起初很慢,我不確定我是否會在前15分鐘停止它。但最後我非常喜歡這些角色SOOO並且想要更多。然而,一個快速的谷歌搜索顯示董事是新的,沒有別的,也沒有演員...... =( 如果這部獲獎影片出現任何問題,那就是時間表。它從頭到尾跳躍,然後做了很多中間,...