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4 years ago
這麼陰鬱潮溼的東方夏夜裡影影綽綽煤油燈下二太太和三太太之間的情慾把我看溼了。導演說,"I had shared the thread of sadness that connected me with the entire fabric of human emotions. The compassion of strangers is a drink con...
4 years ago
這麼陰鬱潮溼的東方夏夜裡影影綽綽煤油燈下二太太和三太太之間的情慾把我看溼了。導演說,"I had shared the thread of sadness that connected me with the entire fabric of human emotions. The compassion of strangers is a drink con...
4 years ago
這麼陰鬱潮溼的東方夏夜裡影影綽綽煤油燈下二太太和三太太之間的情慾把我看溼了。導演說,"I had shared the thread of sadness that connected me with the entire fabric of human emotions. The compassion of strangers is a drink con...
4 years ago
這麼陰鬱潮溼的東方夏夜裡影影綽綽煤油燈下二太太和三太太之間的情慾把我看溼了。導演說,"I had shared the thread of sadness that connected me with the entire fabric of human emotions. The compassion of strangers is a drink con...
4 years ago
這麼陰鬱潮溼的東方夏夜裡影影綽綽煤油燈下二太太和三太太之間的情慾把我看溼了。導演說,"I had shared the thread of sadness that connected me with the entire fabric of human emotions. The compassion of strangers is a drink con...
4 years ago
這麼陰鬱潮溼的東方夏夜裡影影綽綽煤油燈下二太太和三太太之間的情慾把我看溼了。導演說,"I had shared the thread of sadness that connected me with the entire fabric of human emotions. The compassion of strangers is a drink con...
4 years ago
這麼陰鬱潮溼的東方夏夜裡影影綽綽煤油燈下二太太和三太太之間的情慾把我看溼了。導演說,"I had shared the thread of sadness that connected me with the entire fabric of human emotions. The compassion of strangers is a drink con...
4 years ago
這麼陰鬱潮溼的東方夏夜裡影影綽綽煤油燈下二太太和三太太之間的情慾把我看溼了。導演說,"I had shared the thread of sadness that connected me with the entire fabric of human emotions. The compassion of strangers is a drink con...
4 years ago
這麼陰鬱潮溼的東方夏夜裡影影綽綽煤油燈下二太太和三太太之間的情慾把我看溼了。導演說,"I had shared the thread of sadness that connected me with the entire fabric of human emotions. The compassion of strangers is a drink con...
4 years ago
這麼陰鬱潮溼的東方夏夜裡影影綽綽煤油燈下二太太和三太太之間的情慾把我看溼了。導演說,"I had shared the thread of sadness that connected me with the entire fabric of human emotions. The compassion of strangers is a drink con...
4 years ago
這麼陰鬱潮溼的東方夏夜裡影影綽綽煤油燈下二太太和三太太之間的情慾把我看溼了。導演說,"I had shared the thread of sadness that connected me with the entire fabric of human emotions. The compassion of strangers is a drink con...
4 years ago
這麼陰鬱潮溼的東方夏夜裡影影綽綽煤油燈下二太太和三太太之間的情慾把我看溼了。導演說,"I had shared the thread of sadness that connected me with the entire fabric of human emotions. The compassion of strangers is a drink con...
7 months ago
最後沉默的戲碼真的戳到我了。我也非常非常喜歡女主老公這個角色,總能在正確的場合說正確的話,同時不畏懼vulnerability待人真誠respectful又有分寸感。片子整體有點慢熱。有緣無分。看完和友人一直在討論這些容易被lost in translation的文化概念。這層窗戶紙,作為東亞文化背景下長大的人多多少少能產生共情。最後大家在網上找了個詞Mam...
6 months ago
最後沉默的戲碼真的戳到我了。我也非常非常喜歡女主老公這個角色,總能在正確的場合說正確的話,同時不畏懼vulnerability待人真誠respectful又有分寸感。片子整體有點慢熱。有緣無分。看完和友人一直在討論這些容易被lost in translation的文化概念。這層窗戶紙,作為東亞文化背景下長大的人多多少少能產生共情。最後大家在網上找了個詞Mam...
9 months ago
最後沉默的戲碼真的戳到我了。我也非常非常喜歡女主老公這個角色,總能在正確的場合說正確的話,同時不畏懼vulnerability待人真誠respectful又有分寸感。片子整體有點慢熱。有緣無分。看完和友人一直在討論這些容易被lost in translation的文化概念。這層窗戶紙,作為東亞文化背景下長大的人多多少少能產生共情。最後大家在網上找了個詞Mam...
2 years ago
ネタバレ! クリックして本文を読む 先日の映画でもレビューに載せていたティム・バートンが日本の劇画『舞(英語題:Mai The Psychic Girl)』を製作する企画を彼は実行に移そうとしていたけどそれには至らなかったらしい... でもしかし、ロンとラッセルのメイル兄弟がそれを原案に構築することに... We had a general discuss...
2 years ago
ネタバレ! クリックして本文を読む The past is never dead. It\'s not even past. - William Faulkner 「過去は死なない、過ぎ去りさえしない」 この映画の良いところは、奇想天外すぎて少しでも映画の内容を話せば、映画の持ち味を壊してしまうところにある。 だから単純に言えない。 映画製作者の為に、人の誠...
3 years ago
ネタバレ! クリックして本文を読む - Power, is our fate. - 今や地デジと衛星放送の時代。今でもテレビを見るときには、電波を受信するために欠かせないのがアンテナ... ネットは別として 一般的には屋上などの室外に設置されているけど場合によっては設置されていなかったり、設置できなかったりする時に活躍するのが、安価で高感度の室内アンテナ。そ...