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2 years ago
As soon as you see the keyhole in the opening credits, you know that \"Kika\" is going to be about voyeurism, crime and comically voluptuous women. And you sense that it could only...
2 years ago
As soon as you see the keyhole in the opening credits, you know that \"Kika\" is going to be about voyeurism, crime and comically voluptuous women. And you sense that it could only...
2 years ago
As soon as you see the keyhole in the opening credits, you know that \"Kika\" is going to be about voyeurism, crime and comically voluptuous women. And you sense that it could only...
2 years ago
As soon as you see the keyhole in the opening credits, you know that \"Kika\" is going to be about voyeurism, crime and comically voluptuous women. And you sense that it could only...
2 years ago
As soon as you see the keyhole in the opening credits, you know that \"Kika\" is going to be about voyeurism, crime and comically voluptuous women. And you sense that it could only...
2 years ago
As soon as you see the keyhole in the opening credits, you know that \"Kika\" is going to be about voyeurism, crime and comically voluptuous women. And you sense that it could only...
2 years ago
As soon as you see the keyhole in the opening credits, you know that \"Kika\" is going to be about voyeurism, crime and comically voluptuous women. And you sense that it could only...
2 years ago
As soon as you see the keyhole in the opening credits, you know that \"Kika\" is going to be about voyeurism, crime and comically voluptuous women. And you sense that it could only...
2 years ago
As soon as you see the keyhole in the opening credits, you know that \"Kika\" is going to be about voyeurism, crime and comically voluptuous women. And you sense that it could only...
2 years ago
As soon as you see the keyhole in the opening credits, you know that \"Kika\" is going to be about voyeurism, crime and comically voluptuous women. And you sense that it could only...
2 years ago
As soon as you see the keyhole in the opening credits, you know that \"Kika\" is going to be about voyeurism, crime and comically voluptuous women. And you sense that it could only...
3 years ago
賽博牢籠爆腸控夢,噴火機槍骷髏士兵,私營監獄非人剝削殺戮AI裝甲車,crime does not pay……兒時美好回憶,導演Stuart Gordon最火爆之作
3 years ago
“For the poor,there are only two ways to get to the top,crime or politics,is it like that in your country too?”此處應該把某部發言人金句循環播放……反勵志還行,不過仍舊些許套路,復仇與最後平息的方式拍得過於省事兒了。
9 months ago
3.5 很難不去想,如果是夏布洛爾來拍會是怎麼樣。而女主必然是於佩爾,每一次看她的表演,都能看到她在其他電影裡的影子,例如“Mon Crime”和“Elle”,於佩爾永遠都是於佩爾。今天一天兩部的她,我很快樂。
9 months ago
3.5 很難不去想,如果是夏布洛爾來拍會是怎麼樣。而女主必然是於佩爾,每一次看她的表演,都能看到她在其他電影裡的影子,例如“Mon Crime”和“Elle”,於佩爾永遠都是於佩爾。今天一天兩部的她,我很快樂。
10 months ago
3.5 很難不去想,如果是夏布洛爾來拍會是怎麼樣。而女主必然是於佩爾,每一次看她的表演,都能看到她在其他電影裡的影子,例如“Mon Crime”和“Elle”,於佩爾永遠都是於佩爾。今天一天兩部的她,我很快樂。
2 years ago
題材是不錯,喜劇情節的fin fraud,就是有點無聊了,改的太一般了。裡面Ken這種我們叫whistle blower,但是完全喜歡不起來,他耗時耗精力到處找部門就為了抓到女主,for what?人家大公司fbi都不在乎,把他這種當作沙雕一樣冷處理了,你在乎個什麼啊?(但是這樣的小人物當年真的就摸線索搞掉了Enron和安達信)。女主雖然薅羊毛挺極致的,但是...
2 years ago
題材是不錯,喜劇情節的fin fraud,就是有點無聊了,改的太一般了。裡面Ken這種我們叫whistle blower,但是完全喜歡不起來,他耗時耗精力到處找部門就為了抓到女主,for what?人家大公司fbi都不在乎,把他這種當作沙雕一樣冷處理了,你在乎個什麼啊?(但是這樣的小人物當年真的就摸線索搞掉了Enron和安達信)。女主雖然薅羊毛挺極致的,但是...
2 years ago
題材是不錯,喜劇情節的fin fraud,就是有點無聊了,改的太一般了。裡面Ken這種我們叫whistle blower,但是完全喜歡不起來,他耗時耗精力到處找部門就為了抓到女主,for what?人家大公司fbi都不在乎,把他這種當作沙雕一樣冷處理了,你在乎個什麼啊?(但是這樣的小人物當年真的就摸線索搞掉了Enron和安達信)。女主雖然薅羊毛挺極致的,但是...
2 years ago
題材是不錯,喜劇情節的fin fraud,就是有點無聊了,改的太一般了。裡面Ken這種我們叫whistle blower,但是完全喜歡不起來,他耗時耗精力到處找部門就為了抓到女主,for what?人家大公司fbi都不在乎,把他這種當作沙雕一樣冷處理了,你在乎個什麼啊?(但是這樣的小人物當年真的就摸線索搞掉了Enron和安達信)。女主雖然薅羊毛挺極致的,但是...