Food brings the family together. But a family reunion dinner turns awkward when Bernard (Louis CHEUNG) arrives with his new girlfriend, who happens to be his eldest brother Steve’s (Dayo WONG) old flame. With Steve’s pseudo girlfriend coming to his rescue, every dinner meal brews with imploding tension.一个家,最紧要齐人开餐。一顿难得和睦的饭局随着二佬(张继聪)带着女友变得燶味十足,皆因女友亦是大佬(黄子华)的前任。为免日后气氛尴尬,大佬(黄子华)临时揾个女友救场。从此,每晚 6 人同桌,味蕾满足,却舌尖有伏...• Not eligible for any other vouchers.• Not valid with VIP and/or Complimentary Passes.• Not valid for purchase with HSBC Movie Card.
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